Cancer cure and survival rate related directly to the stage of the cancer at the time of diagnosis. New techniques fOl ea rly screen system and diagnosis of normal and cancer a re required. Here, we investigate optical properties-based optical s igna tures of normal and cancer tissues that are different chemica lly and physically. At least 7 cases of each tissue type‘ including epidermis. dermis . subcutaneous fat. keratin pearl ‘ muscle, bone. skin. normal and cance r. were measured. As a result. difference in absorption, transmi ssion and reflectance of normal and cancer in oral tissue have the potential to pro vide for cancer screening. In particular. measuring transrnission in 400 nm to 800 nm (inclusive of 450 nmfor NADH. 540 nm 1'0 1' collagen) ‘ t his group noted a difference in auto-fluorescence spectra between normal and cancer specimens . We also noted that normal specimens are cha racterized by a slightly higher reflectance than cancer specimens in the 400 to 800nm And a bsorpt ion of normal is lower than cancer specimens. The diffe rences in transmission. refl ectance and absorpti on between normal and cancer s pecimens were statistically analyzed using student t-test. [n t his study. absor ption. t ransmi ssion and reflectance have been suggested as optimal for best discrirnination between normal and oral cancer specimen. We suggest that a optical integrating sphere is a useful tool for cancer sc reening. The results suggests the potentia l of an effec tive diagnosis system and accurate normal and cancerous tissue's optical coeffi cient