치과용 금합금의 골융합에 관한 연구 A Study on the Osseointegration of Gold Alloy

서정수, 오충훈, 천재식
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/324668
제29권 제6호 (2005.12)
대한구강악안면병리학회 (Korean Academy Of Oral And Maxillofacial Pathology)

1'hi s s t u dy was pe rformed to investigate the osseointegration on the interface between bone and dental casting gold alloy's impla nts . Some inves tigators prese nted that only fi brous integratioJ1 in implant interface of precious met al im plants was occu red. 1'he mate ri a ls of dental implant must have biocompatibility and have no phY5ical 01' chemical s ide effect lmpla nts whi ch we re made of pure t itanium or titanium alloys had 50me chemical problem such as Galvanic current wi th s uprastru ctu re cur re ntly. So. we t hought that there was no problem if dental casting gold al1 0y’s impla nts had 5ucceed osseoin tegration. Thi s s tudy used 99%. 86%. 70% gold composition ìmplant as experimental group and tita niuITI implant as cont ral g rOllp. After 4th a nd 8th weeks of implant impLantation. experimental animals were saC l 나 i ce d and hi stologic sections we re made. All sections were examined by 8EM. PM. L8M. and EPMA. lmplants made of dental casting gold a ll oys occllrred good osseointegration as titanium implants. Osseointegr ation were not depend on the gold composit ion in implant groups ’ denta l casting gold al1oys. Both groll ps‘ osseointegration were 1TI0re completed in 8th weeks than 4th weeks . From t he a boving results. dental casting gold alloy's implants had induced similar osseointegrat ion to t h at 01" titan iu rn irnplants . So if we make implant and suprastructllre of dental casting gold alloys. Galvanic current and chemical co rrosio ns wOllld be sllppressed

  • 서정수(단국대학교 치과대학 구강생리학교실) | Jeong Su Seo
  • 오충훈(단국대학교 치과대학 구강생리학교실) | Chung Hun Oh
  • 천재식(단국대학교 치과대학 구강생리학교실) | Gae Sig Chun