Odontomas are the most common benign tumors of odontogenic origin characterized by their‘ slow growth, and a re cons ider ed to be developmental a nomalIes They consist of enamel, dentine, cementum and pulpal tissue and cons titue about 22% of all odontogeni c tumors The purpose of this study was to value clinicopathologic features of this kind 01 tumors‘ and to apply these results to make a pa ln of diagnosis and treatment in future, The 20 cases of odontomas between 1991 a nd 2004 subrn.i tted to Dept , of Oral Pathology of Dankook Univ, Dental Hos pital were used We analyzed theil‘ prev a lence‘ di s tributi on in gender , age of the pat ients , anatornic location. clinical manifestations and histopa thologic fea rtures Cli nical symptoms s howed delayed eruption(n=3) of either the deciduous or permanent tooth‘ mtra- 01 extraoral swelli ng(n =9). pain(n =2) , Of a ll the odontomas, 45% in the Mn & 55% in the Mx was seen There were 55% in the anter iosuperier sector & 25% i n the pos ter ioi nferior zone. while the rest in the upper molar region, COO showed 18,5 year s(r ange 6,4) , 60% 0[' diagnosed odontomas, incisor / canine area of mx, smaller(5-30mm) & unilocular. and mu l tip le radiopaque mini teeth s urroun따d by defined radiolucency, whi le CXO showed 30, 1 years(range 14 , 5) ‘ 40% of diagnosed odon tomas ‘ 1s t and 2nd molar of the mn, la rger(1O-60mrn) & unilocular undistinguished radiopaque mass and surrounded by ra di 이 uc e nt zo ne & a di s tin ct ra di opaque border, Both showed reduced enamel epithelium, enamel. dentin and cementum‘ di s play ing s ph eri al calcificat ions. and fibrous capsule as background , A.nd ghost cells were seen in 2 cases COO s howed hig hly orga nization & differenti ation, resembling a minitooth Each tooth was contained with co n nective tissuc sac CXO s howed haphazard organization, and was domi nated by dentin , displaying no resemblance a tooth, Through the definitive diagnos is of odonotmas on the basis of the clinicopath이 ogi c results, we should establish a plan in diagnosis and t rea tment of odontomas