Mo-99 생산공정에서 발생하는 우라늄폐기물용 보관용기 구조 건전성 분석 Analysis on the Structure Integrity of Container for Uranium Precipitated in Mo-99 Production Process

박 종한, 조 은하, 이 승곤, 박 울재, 양 태호, 손 광재
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/326844
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제19권 제3호 (2017.06)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

The object of this container is to store uranium precipitated in Mo-99 production process for long term. It will be used in the Gijang reactor. Uranium precipitates is stored in a container such as a form of filter cake. This container will be stored in the underground concrete storage for about 50 years when considering a storage facility life and safety. It is required high degree of structure integrity when considering decay heat from radioactive precipitated, external impact and etc, because it has to store radioactive materials for long term. In this study, thermal, structural and impact analysis about a container inserted 6 canisters was carried out. In the case of this thermal analysis, the object is to investigate the effect decay heat of uranium precipitate on the structure integrity of a container. The structural analysis was carried out to evaluate a structure integrity of the bottommost portion container among the 9 loaded containers. Finally, the impact analysis was carried out to evaluate the structure integrity of a container when that is dropped from maximum height of 5m during transport. As a result of this study, the structural integrity of this container is satisfactory about thermal, structural and impact.

  • 박종한(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) | J. H. Park
  • 조은하(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) | E. H. Cho
  • 이승곤(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) | S. K. Lee
  • 박울재(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) | U. J. Park
  • 양태호(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) | T. H. Yang
  • 손광재(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) | K. J. Son Corresponding Author