하도에 따른 도장특성에 관한 시험적 연구 A Test Study on Paint Characteristics by Under Coating

조연식, 김형현
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/330000
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제18권 제2호 (2016.04)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

Tracked vehicles for military application such as tank and armored vehicle are operated in severe conditions of driving on gravel road and muddy water including river-crossing. Thus, coating on such vehicles requires more robust characteristics of coating in adhesion, corrosion(salt-spray) resistance and water resistance than those of vehicles for civil applications. Currently, coatings applied on the military equipments are mostly based on the U.S. military specification(known as Mil-SPEC). Typical specifications for primer materials for military application are MIL-P-23377 and MIL-P-53022. And for topcoat, coating material of KDS 8010-1004 specification is typically applied. However, as MIL-P-23377 or MIL-P-530224 is applied for primer coating not only on the tank and armored vehicle at system level but also on the sub-components of these equipments, there has been a need for test data for determining the feasibility of alternatively applying either of these two coatings for primer coat. Therefore, in this study, coating characteristics are compared with respect to these two different primer coating materials so that the feasibility of alternatively applying them is investigated.

  • 조연식(Defense Agency for Technology and Quality) | Yeon-Sik Cho Corresponding Author
  • 김형현(Defense Agency for Technology and Quality) | Hyeong-Hyeon Kim