선박의 해치 및 화물 형상 스캔을 위한 3D 레이저 스캐닝 시스템 개발 Development of a 3D Laser Scanning System for Scanning a Shape of Hatch and Cargo Holder on a Cargo Ship

고석조, 김태훈, 차병수, 박민규, 유기호, 문영근
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/330012
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제18권 제2호 (2016.04)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

Unloading operation by the unloader is dependent on the experience of the operator in the cabin. If the operator receives information about the unloading situation in the process of lifting the bucket, it is possible to prevent the collision of the bucket with the ship structure. In recent years, numerous measurement systems have become available on the market for three-dimensional surveying of objects, but they are very expensive. This study presents a high quality, low cost 3D laser scanning system designed for object recognition. The developed 3D laser scanning system is built on the base of a 2D laser sensor by the extension with a servo motor and a rotation module. In order to evaluate performance of the developed 3D laser scanning system, the developed system was applied to scan a shape of hatch and cargo holder on a cargo ship. Experimental results showed that to obtain a 3D scanning data for the area around the hatch and cargo holder.

  • 고석조(Dongeui Institute of Technology) | Seok-Jo Go Corresponding Author
  • 김태훈(Dongeui Institute of Technology) | Tae-Hun Kim
  • 차병수(Dongeui Institute of Technology) | Byung-Su Cha
  • 박민규(Yeungnam University College) | Min-Kyu Park
  • 유기호(NBCORE) | Ki-Ho Yu
  • 문영근(NBCORE) | Young-Geun Moon