Ir-192 10,000 Ci와 I-131 80 Ci 운반에 적합한 운반용기 구조 분석 Analysis on the Structure of Cask Appropriate to Transport Ir-192 10,000 Ci and I-131 80 Ci

박종한, 홍진태, 양태호, 손광재
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/330151
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제19권 제1호 (2017.02)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

This transport cask for radioactive materials will be used in the Gijang reactor. It will transport the Ir-192 10,000 Ci or I-131 80 Ci. In this case, the safety evaluation, such as protection of leakage of radioactive material, and radiation shield should be carried out before it is used in the research reactor. The safety regulation requires various tests, such as water spray, free drop, penetration, and water immersion. But this paper considers only the regulations related with thermal-stress and drop impact under the normal conditions because it will be used only in the research reactor building. In this paper, coupled numerical analysis was performed using finite element simulation to investigate the effect of position of tungsten and lead to enhance the safety of transport cask. As a result of simulation, it was verified that the Tungsten-Lead structure is the most durable among the cases considered in the study with a viewpoint of thermal-stress and drop impact.

  • 박종한(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) | J. H. Park
  • 홍진태(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) | J. T. Hong
  • 양태호(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) | T. H. Yang
  • 손광재(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) | K. J. Son Corresponding Author