듀얼 A형 브릿지를 적용한 스톤 커팅머신 개발 Development of Stone Cutting Machine Using Dual A Type Bridge

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/330159
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제19권 제2호 (2017.04)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

The study is the development of stone processing machines for larger blocks of stone for more than 2 meters. The wire saw were replaced by the cutting of existing prototypes and employed as a new form of cutting tools equipped with industrial diamonds. In addition, a turn table was developed to enable the milling of large blocks of stone allowing them to spin. On the other hand, large processing machinery has been imported and used mostly by Chinese machinery and has caused many inconveniences in managing and using equipment. Therefore, it is difficult for domestic production products to remain unstable, thus maintaining the nation`s crumbling granite industry. As a result, it is uncomfortable to find domestic products, but it is difficult to maintain the domestic stone industry. Therefore, we look forward to the revitalization of the domestic stone industry through this development.

  • 정석훈(Vision University, Colledge of Jeonju, Dept. of Automobile Engineering) | Seok-Hoon Jeong Corresponding Author