Paclobutrazol과 uniconazole 처리에 따른 몇 가지 다육식물의 생장반응 Growth Responses of Several Succulent Plants Treated with Paclobutrazol and Uniconazole

정경진, 윤재길, 이상우
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/330732
Vol. 25 No. 2 (2017.06)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

다육식물은 건조에 강하고 엽색이 계절마다 바뀌는 등 관상 가치가 높아 소비가 지속적으로 늘고 있다. 그러나 일부 다육 식물들은 분지 없이 초장만 너무 길어져 옆으로 쓰러지거나 특히, 개화시 화경이 너무 길어져 문제가 되는 종류들이 있다. 본 연구에서는 화제(Crassula americana cv. Flame), 적귀성 (Crassula capitella), 부용(Echeveria ‘Pulv-oliver’)을 대상으 로 생장억제제를 처리하여 초장이 짧고 관상가치가 높은 분 화의 생산이 가능한지를 알아보기 위해 실험을 수행하였다. 식물들을 직경 8cm 플라스틱분에서 재배하면서 paclobutrazol 5, 25, 100, 200mg・L-1, uniconazole 5, 20, 50, 100mg・L-1 용 액을 포트당 40mL씩 토양관주하였다. 처리 후 1개월 간격으 로 3개월까지 초장, 엽형, 엽색 등을 조사하였다. 3개월 후 초 장은 paclobutrazol과 uniconazole 5mg・L-1의 농도에서 대조 구에 비해 화제는 40~46%, 적귀성은 46~58%의 생장억제효 과가 나타나 적절한 크기의 분화가 되었다. 특히 적귀성은 대 조구에서는 개화가 되면서 화경이 너무 길어져 옆으로 쓰러졌 으나 생장억제제 처리구에서는 꽃대 신장과 개화가 크게 억제 되었다. 부용은 실험 중 개화가 진행되어 생육억제 효과가 크 게 나타나지 않았다. 생장억제제가 처리된 화제와 적귀성의 잎은 옆장이 짧아지고 엽폭이 크게 증가하여 도란형의 아름 다운 엽형이 되었다. 또한 엽색도 녹색에서 잎 주위가 적색으 로 물들었다. 결론적으로 화제와 적귀성의 경우 paclobutrazol 5mg・L-1이나 uniconazole 5mg・L-1를 관주 처리하면 초장이 짧아지고 엽형과 엽색이 아름다운 분화 생산이 가능할 것으로 생각되었다.

Succulent plants have been very attractive to consumers, because they are strong against dried condition, and have leaves with different colors at each season. There are some succulent plants which fall down due to excessive plant height, especially excessively long inflorescence during flowering. In this experiment, Crassula americana ‘Flame’, C. capitella, and Echeveria 'Pulv-oliver' were treated with 2 plant growth retardents (PGR), and growth response like plant height and leaf shape were evaluated to examine the production of pot plant having short plant hegiht and beautiful leaf shape. The plants were cultivated in plastic pots (8 cm in diameter) in a plastic house and drenched with paclobutrazol 5, 25, 100, 200 mg・L-1 or uniconazole 5, 20, 50, 100 mg・L-1 solution (40 mL/each pot). Growth indexes such as plant height, leaf length and leaf width were evaluated at each month interval by 3 months. The plant height at 3 months after treatment decreased by 40-46% comparing with control at C. americana ‘Flame’, and 46-58% at C. capitella, when treated with 5 mg・L-1 of paclobutrazol or uniconazole, resuting in a proper plant height. The control of C. capitella falled down due to excessive length in inflorescence height, but inflorescence elongation and flowering were inhibited greately as treated with plant growth retardants. E. 'Pulv-oliver' treated with PGRs did not show as large reduction as other 2 plants, because reproductive growth started soon after experiment starting. Leaf lengths of C. americana ‘Flame’ and C. capitella treated with PGRs were shortened but leaf width of them became wider, resulting at beautiful leaf shape with an obovoid form. Leaf color of C. americana ‘Flame’ and C. capitella treated with PGRs changed from green to light red color at the leaf margin. In conclusion, these results indicate that pot plants with short plant height and beautiful leaf shape and color could be produced when C. americana cv. Flame and C. capitella were drenched with paclobutrazol 5 mg・L-1 or uniconazole 5 mg・L-1 solution.

  • 정경진(경남과학기술대학교 원예학과) | Kyeong Jin Jeong (Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology, Department of Horicultural Science, Jinju 52725, Korea)
  • 윤재길(경남과학기술대학교 원예학과) | Jae gill Yun (Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology, Department of Horicultural Science, Jinju 52725, Korea)
  • 이상우(경남과학기술대학교 원예학과) | Sang Woo Lee (Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology, Department of Horicultural Science, Jinju 52725, Korea) Corresponding author