실버 의류산업 활성화를 위한 노년 비만여성의 토르소 원형 연구 Study on torso patterns for elderly obese women for vitalization of the silver clothing industry

성옥진, 하희정
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/330906
복식문화연구 (服飾文化硏究)
25권 4호 (2017.08)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

The purpose of this study was to suggest torso patterns that fit the three main body shapes of elderly obese women. To reduce time, costs, and also the trial and error needed to make patterns, the CLO program for 3D test wear was employed. Three virtual models for aged obese women were use, with the YUKA system used to produce torso patterns. 3D simulation of test wear and corrections was done to design optimal torso patterns. The results were as follows: First, for the three models of obese women’s body shapes as realized by CLO 3D, Type 1 is lower-body obesity shapes, Type 2 is abdominal obesity shapes, and Type 3 is whole-body obesity shapes. Second, to design the study patterns, actual measurement values, back waist length and waist to hip length, were used. The armhole depth (B/4-1.5), front interscye (B/6+2.3), front neck width (B/12-0.5), front neck depth (B/12+0.5), front waist measurement (W/4+ 1.5+D), front hip measurement (H/4+2+0.5), and back hip measurement (H/4+3-0.5) were calculated using formulas. Third, according to the results of test-wearing the study patterns, reduced front neck width and depth improved the neck fit and reduced armhole depth bettered loose or plunging armhole girth and also reduced the sagging of bust c.. Also, tight sidesfrom aprotruded waist and abdomen improved with the increase of surpluses in the back waist and also back and front hip c. The exterior was enhanced by displacement of back and front darts, which distributed surpluses better.

  • 성옥진(세종대학교 패션디자인연구소) | Ok jin Seong (Lab. of Fashion Design, Sejong University, Korea)
  • 하희정(상명대학교 의류학과) | Hee Jung Ha (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Sangmyung University, Korea) Corresponding author