몇 가지 배양토가 수출 도자기 분화 식물의 생육에 미치는 영향 Effect of Potting Media on the Growth of Pottery Pot Plants for Export

송천영, 문자영, 문응식, 김리나, 신경진
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/339744
Vol. 25 No. 4 (2017.12)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

분 식물의 식재 배양토를 선발하기 위하여 호랑가시나무 (Ilex cornuta Lindl.), 무늬산호수(Ardisia pusilla ‘Variegata’), 석곡(Dendrobium moniliforme Sw.) 및 염좌(Crassula portulacea) 를 인공배양토, 하이드로볼, 녹소토, 마사토와 수태에 심어 식물의 생장을 조사하였다. 호랑가시나무의 생존율은 하이드로볼, 수태, 녹소토에서 100%이었으며 초장 및 엽수의 생장율은 수태가 26.7% 와 26.8%, 녹소토는 20.6%와 23.7%로 양호하였으나 마사토는 6.7%와 14.1%로 낮았다. 초장당 엽수는 녹소토가 10.0개, 마사토 는 8.0개 이었으며, T/R율은 녹소토와 수태가 1.0과 1.1이었다. 무늬산호수의 생존율은 모든 배양토에서 100%이었고, 초장 및 엽수의 생장율은 녹소토가 27.3%와 60.8%, 수태가 30.7%와 50.5%로 높았다. 초장당 엽수는 녹소토와 수태가 2.5개와 2.2개이 었다. 석곡의 생존율은 모든 배양토에서 100%이었고, 초장과 엽수의 생장율은 인공배양토가 17.6%와 12.6%, 하이드로볼이 16.0%와 24.6%이었으나 마사토는 8.5%와 7.2%로 낮았다. 초장당 엽수는 하이드로볼이 3.4개로 많고 마사토는 1.9개 적었으며, T/R율은 하이드로볼과 녹소토가 2.5와 2.0이었다. 염좌의 생존율 은 모든 배양토에서 100%를 보였으며, 초장과 엽수의 생장율은 인공배양토가 62.6%와 50.9%, 녹소토가 69.7%와 53.1%로 높았 고, 하이드로볼은 28.0%와 27.7%로 낮았다. 초장당 엽수는 하이 드로볼을 제외한 토양에서 3.0개 이상이었다. 염좌의 T/R율은 수태와 인공배양토가 10.8과 10.7로 높아 지상부가 과도하게 생장하였다. 따라서 호랑가시나무, 무늬산호수, 염좌는 수태 및 녹소토에, 석곡은 녹소토 및 하이드로볼에 식재하여 수출하는 것이 바람직하다.

In this study, we aimed to select the optimum media for pottery pot plant growth of Ilex cornuta Lindl., Ardisia pusilla “Variegata,” Dendrobium moniliforme Sw., and Crassula portulacea, which were plant commercial medium, a hydro ball, kanumatsuchi, decomposed granite, and sphagnum m oss. T he s urvival rate o f Ilex cornuta in the hydro ball, sphagnum moss, and kanumatsuchi was 100%. The increass inplant height growth and in the number of leaves were 26.7% and 26.8% in sphagnum moss and 20.6% and 23.7% in kanumatsuchi, respectively; the increase was low when grown in decomposed granite (6.7% and 14.1%, respectively). The number of leaves per plant height was 10.0 in kanumatsuchi and 8.0 in decomposed granite. T /R r atio w hen grown in k anumatsuchi and sphagnum moss was balanced at 1.0 or 1.1. The survival rate of Ardisiapusilla “Variegata” in all media was 100%. The increas plant height growth and in the number of leaves was 27.3% and 60.8% in kanumatsuchi and 30.7% and 50.5% in sphagnum moss, respectively, which was higher than that in the other potting media. The number of leaves per plant height was 2.5 in kanumatsuchi and 2.2 in sphagnum moss, which was higher than that in the other media. The survival rate of Dendrobiummoniliforme Sw. was also 100% in all media. T he i ncreas p lant h eight growth a nd n umber of leaves was 17.6% and 12.6% in a commercial medi 16.0% and 24.6% in ahydro ball, respectively, the increase was low when grown in decomposed granite (8.5% and 7.2%,respectively). The number of leaves per plant height was 3.4 in ahydro ball and 1.9 in decomposed granite. T/R ratio was 2.5 in ahydro ball and 2.0 in kanumatsuchi. The survival rate of Crassula portulacea was also 100% in all media. The increas plant height growth rate and in the number of leaves was 62.6% and 50.9% in a commercial medium and 69.7% and 53.1% in kanumatsuchi, respectively, which was higher than that in the other media. However, the increase was low when grown in hydro ball (28.0% and 27.7%, respectively). The number of leaves per plant height was all media, except for the hydro ball. The T/R ratios of sphagnum moss and the commercial medium was 10.8 and 10.7, in which top growth was higher than root growth. Therefore, for commercial export purpose, it is preferable to plant Ilex cornuta Lindl., Ardisiapusilla “Variegata,” and Crassula portulacea in sphagnum moss and kanumatsuchi and Dendrobium moniliforme Sw. in hydro ball.

서 언
 재료 및 방법
  식물재료의 선택 및 도자기분 이식 후 순화 조건
  배양토 처리
  배양토의 물리화학적 특성조사
  배양토 처리 별 식물 생장 조사 및 통계 분석
 결과 및 고찰
  배양토에 따른 호랑가시나무의 생육
  배양토에 따른 무늬산호수의 생육
  배양토에 따른 석곡의 생육
  배양토에 따른 염좌의 생육
  • 송천영(한국농수산대학 화훼학과) | Cheon Young Song Corresponding author
  • 문자영(한국농수산대학 화훼학과)
  • 문응식(대신원예)
  • 김리나(대신원예)
  • 신경진(한국농수산대학 화훼학과)