상변화 물질을 적용한 급속 축냉기술에 관한 수치해석 연구 Analytical Study on Rapid Accumulation Technology of Cold by Phase PCM Thermal Energy Storage System

변선준, 권영철, 박상배, 손석권, 곽동걸, 신종근
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/342092
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제19권 제6호 (2017.12)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

Recently, uncertainty of demand and supply for energy has expanded as energy market change rapidly. Rapid accumulation storing of cold heat is a method for decreasing the gap between demand and supply of time, quantity and quality of heat energy. It is stored rapidly when electric power is on. And cold heat energy in heat is phase change material (PCM) heat storage is used when electric power is off. Porous media for cold heat is PCM. The present study has been conducted for improving performance of cold heat storage in refrigerator using characteristics on laten heat and phase change of PCM. This study provide basic data to improve performance of cold heat using characteristic of PCM. Also, this study predicts and measures specific points in PCM heat storage during process of phase change.

 1. 서론
 2. 수치해석 방법 및 조건
  2.1 수치해석 방법
  2.2 열평형 방정식
  2.3 신뢰성 검토
 3. 결과 및 고찰
 4. 결론
  • 변선준(SFR NSSS Design Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) | Sun-Joon Byun
  • 권영철(Graduate School Automotive Engineering, Kookmin University) | Young-Chul Kwon
  • 박상배(Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sunmoon University) | Sang-Bae Park
  • 손석권(SFR NSSS Design Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) | Seok-Kwon Son
  • 곽동걸(Graduate School of Disaster Prevention of Kangwon National University) | Dong-Kurl Kwak
  • 신종근(Department of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, Hanzhong University) | Jong-Keun Shin Corresponding Author