Luis V. Casaló, Carlos Flavián, Sergio Ibáñez-Sánchez
  • LanguageENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/350601
Global Marketing Conference
2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo (2018.07)
글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 (Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations)

Consumers are increasingly using social networking sites to get information about their interests. Among them, Instagram has recently reached 800 million active users (Instagram, 2017) and has a higher rate of engagement compared to Facebook or Twitter (Locowise, 2017). Despite its growing relevance, the academic research related to Instagram is still scarce. To go a step further in this topic, this research aims to examine the role played by creativity and positive emotions in driving users’ behaviour on Instagram. On the basis of the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) framework (Donovan and Rossiter, 1982; Mehrabian and Rusell, 1974), we propose that perceived creativity (stimulus) applied to the uploaded photos or videos on Instagram results in developing positive emotions (organism) [H1]. In the same way, the use of creative posts can also affect human responses on that account, as affective commitment [H2] and interaction intention [H3]. Additionally, as a consequence of processing the information posted on Instagram account, positive feelings may arouse, resulting in greater affective commitment [H4] and interaction intention [H5]. Finally, users who experience an affective commitment with an account may tend to be more involved by interacting in the account [H6].

Data to test these hypotheses was collected from an Instagram account focused on fashion due to the relevant role that creativity has in this industry and the increasing use of this social networking site among fashion companies (Casaló et al., 2017). We obtained a sample of 808 participants which answered a questionnaire including several multiple-items measurements scales adapted from previous literature. We used a seven-point Likert-type as the response format, from 1 (“strongly disagree”) to 7 (“strongly agree”).

Data analyses were carried out using SmartPLS 2.0 (Ringle et al., 2005). First, we analysed data to check validity of measures so as to confirm the factor structure, ensuring internal consistency and both convergent and discriminant validity. Results of the proposed model revealed the positive influence of perceived creativity on positive emotions (H1: β=.24, p<.01), affective commitment (H2: β=.40, p<.01) and interaction intentions (H3: β=.60, p<.01). In addition, positive emotions affect both affective commitment (H4: β=.15, p<.01) and interaction intentions (H5: β=.18, p<.01). Finally, affective commitment is also positively related to interaction intentions (H6: β=.25, p<.01). This study confirms the key role that both perceived creativity and positive emotions have on users’ responses in the Instagram context. These findings have interesting implications for management of Instagram accounts suggesting the development of creative content as well as generating positive emotions to engage followers to a greater extent in the account.

  • Luis V. Casaló(Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
  • Carlos Flavián(Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
  • Sergio Ibáñez-Sánchez(Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)