Choi Il-do, Choi Jee-Hye, Lee Hyo-Bok
  • LanguageENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/351662
Global Marketing Conference
2018 Global Marketing Conference at Tokyo (2018.07)
글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 (Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations)

With the arrival of multimedia environment due to the development of digital technology, advertisement surrogacy type and structure are diversified. This advertising agency is a situation that requires a commission system idea suitable for changing environments. Especially in Korea, there is no legal standard of advertising agent fee. Principles such as the fee rate and the burden body of the fee that depended on this custom are also considered part. In particular, government advertisements, where advertising costs are in short supply compared to private companies, need to establish a more efficient system of subsidies. Currently, the compensation system for advertising agencies in Korea is based on commission However, there are many opinions that it is necessary to have a gross fee system that is necessary for acting as an advertising agency, and there is a strong tendency for actual global advertising companies to pursue the agency fee system. We propose the feasibility of the fee system by analyzing the commission system suitable for the multi-media environment, focusing on the commission, the fee system, etc. The results of the study show that the fee system of the domestic advertising market It can become a method that can complement the market, and it is also a direction for domestic advertising companies to seek in a market where global competition is intense. The research methodology is based on the analysis of the advertising agency fee system of Korea and the comparison of the fee system of the global advertising agency with the analysis of the structure of the advertising market in major overseas countries, , Where basic information such as surveys of prisoners are used together. This result will serve as a guide for efficient advertising by means of marketing communication using media.

  • Choi Il-do(Korea Press Foundation, Korea)
  • Choi Jee-Hye(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)
  • Lee Hyo-Bok(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)