Standard-Cut Chrysanthemum ‘Geumhwa’ with Yellow Petals and Early Flowering Ability under High and Low-Temperature Conditions 황색의 고온 및 저온기 조기개화성 스탠다드국화 ‘Geumhwa’ 육성

Ha Seung Pak, Mi kyoung Won, Dong Chan Kim, Kuk Seong Son, Young Jin Park, Tae Sung Kim, Jong Jin Choi, Ji Hee Kim
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/352636
Vol. 26 No. 2 (2018.06)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

스탠다드국화 신품종을 육성하기 위하여 충남농업기술원 화훼연구소에서 2009년에 황색의 모본 ‘Summer Yellow’와 부본 ‘ST07-09-02’계통을 인공 교배하였다. 2010년에 종자를 파종하였고, 이중 내병성이 강하고 기호성이 우수한 개체를 선발하여 ‘ST10-047-01’로 계통명을 부여하였다. 2011년부터 2013년까지 주년 생산성을 위해 촉성 및 자연, 억제재배 특성을 각각 검정하였으며, 2013년 ‘Geumhwa’로 명명하고 품종등록 출원하였다. ‘Geumhwa’의 생육 및 개화특성은 국내에서 많이 재배되고 있는 황색 스탠다드국화인 ‘Summer Yellow’를 대조 품종으로 하여 조사하였다. ‘Geumhwa’ 품종은 자연개화기가 10월 6일로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 10월 25일에 비해 빨랐다. ‘Geumhwa’는 초장이 86.3cm로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 93.8cm보다 작았고, 곁가지 제거수는 8.1개로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 16.6개보다 적었다. ‘Geumhwa’의 꽃직경은 13.6cm로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 13.5cm와 비슷하였으며, 꽃잎수는 ‘Geumhwa’가 263.6개로 ‘Summer Yellow’의 295.3개보다 적었다. 재배상 유의사항은 ‘Geumhwa’는 중간종이므로 초기생육이 왕성하도록 비배 관리를 하고 생육기간 중 지베렐린 1,000mg・L-1를 2회 처리하여 신장력을 높이도록 한다. 또한 설상화수가 적은 편이므로 재전조를 실시하여 설상화수를 늘린다면 황색의 연중 조기개화가 가능한 고품질 신품종 스탠다드 절화국화로써 소비자 기호 충족 및 농가소득 창출에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

‘Geumhwa’ originated from a cross between the ‘Summer Yellow’ line as the female plant (yellow flower) and ‘ST07-09-02’ as the male plant (white flower) at the Flower Research Institute of Chungcheongnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Yesan-gun, Korea, in 2009. From the cross, a candidate descendant, ‘ST10-047-01’, was selected based on disease resistance and other desirable morphological traits. Adaptation trials were conducted on the candidate line for 3 years on various characteristics, including floral qualities under natural, retarding, and forcing culture conditions from 2011 to 2013. Eventually, the standard chrysanthemum cultivar ‘Geumhwa’ was registered in 2013 from this breeding program. In this study, it was compared the external flower shape type and flowering date of ‘Geumhwa’ with those of ‘Summer Yellow.’ The natural flowering time of ‘Geumhwa’ was October 6th, which was earlier than ‘Summer Yellow’ (October 25th). The plant height of ‘Geumhwa’ was 86.3 cm, which was shorter than that of ‘Summer Yellow’ (93.8 cm). The number of lateral branches of ‘Geumhwa’ (8.1 per plant) was less than half the value for ‘Summer Yellow’ (16.6 per plant). The flower size of ‘Geumhwa’ was similar to that of ‘Summer Yellow’, but the petal number per flower was different at 263.6 (‘Geumhwa’) and 295.3 per flower (‘Summer Yellow’). Careful nutrient management at the early growing stage was required and 1,000 mgㆍL-1 gibberellic acid (GA3) at the growing stage should also be applied to increase the plant height of ‘Geumhwa’. Furthermore, the petal number per flower of ‘Geumhwa’ can be increased by illumination treatment. Due to these many valuable attributes, the new chrysanthemum cultivar ‘Geumhwa’ is expected to markedly contribute to increased farm incomes.

 서 언
 재료 및 방법
 결과 및 고찰
  형태적 구별성
  재배상 유의점
 초 록
  • Ji Hee Kim(Flower Research Institute, Chungcheongnam-do ARES) | 김지희
  • Jong Jin Choi(Flower Research Institute, Chungcheongnam-do ARES) | 최종진
  • Tae Sung Kim(Department of Agricultural Science, Korea National Open University) | 김태성
  • Young Jin Park(Legume Bio-Resource Center of Green Manure (LBRCGM), Kongju National University) | 박용진
  • Kuk Seong Son(Flower Research Institute, Chungcheongnam-do ARES) | 손국성
  • Dong Chan Kim(Flower Research Institute, Chungcheongnam-do ARES) | 김동찬
  • Mi kyoung Won(Crop Research Institute, Chungcheongnam-do ARES) | 원미경
  • Ha Seung Pak(Flower Research Institute, Chungcheongnam-do ARES) | 박하승 Corresponding author