본 연구는 기존에 재배된 바 없었던 암대극을 새로운 관상식물로 개발하고자, 절화 특성 평가를 실시하였다. 2017년 3월과 4월, 제주도에 자생하고 있는 암대극을 채취한 후, 수분흡수, 절화수명, 노화 과정 등 절화수명 특성을 평가하였다. 또한 sucrose 농도, 절화길이, pH 농도, 저장온도에 따른 절화 특성을 조사하였다. 본 실험은 국립수목원 유용식물증식센터의 Phyto-garden system(12h photoperiod, 25℃, 70% RH)과 실온(23℃, 44% RH)에서 수행하였고 2~3일 간격으로 수분흡수량, 생체중, 절화수명을 측정하였다. 실험 환경에 따른 연구에서 실온(14.4일) 보다 phyto-garden system(42.4일)의 절화 수명이 약 3배 더 길었고, 절화길이에 따른 연구에서는 절화수명이 20cm, 15.2일, 40cm, 17.4일로 나타났다. Sucrose 농도에 따른 연구에서는 처리에 따른 절화수명 증진 효과는 없었고, pH에 따른 연구의 절화수명은 pH 5, 15.6일, pH 6, 13.4일, pH 7, 13.1일, 증류수, 14.8일이었다. 저장온도에 따른 실험에서, 절화수명은 4℃, 83일, 10℃, 41.2일, 15℃, 35.5 일, 20℃, 17.4일, 실온, 14.4일이었는데, 온도가 감소할수록 절화수명이 길어짐을 알 수 있었다. 결론적으로, 암대극은 비교적 광도와 습도가 높은 환경과 절화길이가 길고 저장온도가 낮을수록 수명이 오래 유지되는 것을 알 수 있었다.
With the aim of developing E. jolkinii Boiss as a new ornamental crop, its cut flower characteristics were evaluated. After harvesting, in March and April of 2017, we evaluated water uptake, vase life, and the aging process, and investigated the effects of experimental place, length of cut flower, sucrose concentration, pH, and storage temperature, and assessed the aging process and experimental location. Experiments were carried out in a phyto-garden system (296μmol·m-2·s-1, 25°C, 70% RH) and in a laboratory (8μmol·m-2·s-1, 23°C, 44% RH), both located at the Useful Plant Resources Center, Korea National Arboretum. In the test environment, vase life in the phyto-garden system (42.4 days) was three times longer than that at room temperature in the laboratory (14.4 days). Increasing the cut flower length from 20 cm to 40 cm resulted in a longer vase life, measured as 15.2 days and 17.4 days, respectively. Variation of sucrose concentration had no positive effect on vase life while lower pH values appeared to extend it. Vase life measured at pH 5, pH 6, pH 7, and distilled water equaled 15.6 days, 13.4 days, 13.1 days, and 14.8 days, respectively. Storage temperature was found to have the greatest influence on vase life, in which at 83 days, 41.2 days, 35.5 days, 17.4 days, and 14.4 days were recorded at 4°C, 10°C, 15°C, 20°C, and room temperature, respectively. Thus, the conditions of high light intensity, high humidity, long cut flower length, and low storage temperature have been found to be most effective to increase the vase life of E. jolkinii Boiss. cut flowers.