‘Lip Smile’- A New Calla Cultivar with Light Yellow and Reddish Purple Colors and a Large Spathe for Cut Flowers 연노랑 바탕 적자색으로 화형이 큰 절화용 유색칼라 신품종 ‘Lip Smile’ 육성

Jae Young Ko, Young Jin Kim, Kang Jun Choi, Sun Bae Byon, Ji Eun Park, Soon Bae Bang
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/358616
Vol. 26 No. 3 (2018.09)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

강원도농업기술원에서는 2003년 무름병에 비교적 강하고 화색과 화형이 우수하고 장미 분홍색을 가진 Zantedeschia rehmanni × hybrid ‘Super Gem’과 연한 노랑색 품종 Z. × hybrid ‘Black Magic’을 각각 모본과 부본으로 하여 인공 교배 하였다. 2006년에 개화특성을 검정하여 화색과 화형이 좋은 ‘GZ0616’를 선발하였으며, 2007년에 포장 재배하여 자구 증식률, 초장과 초세 등 1차 특성검정 후 2차 선발하였다. 2013부터 2015년까지 특성검정과 재배시험을 통하여 균일성과 안정성이 인정되어 ‘강교C4-6호’로 최종 선발되었으며, 2017년 2월에 ‘립스마일(Lip Smile)’로 품종등록 되었다. 화포 외부의 주 색은 연노랑바탕 적자색(Y2C+RP79C)이며, 화포 높이는 8.5cm, 폭은 6.2cm로 대형화이다. 개화소요일수는 64.3일, 초장은 66.0cm, 괴경은 80.0g이다. 기호도 평가에서도 ‘Captain Rosette’와 유사하였으며, 절화용으로 이용 가능하다.

A colored calla (Zantedeschia spp.) cultivar ‘Lip Smile’ was bred from the cross between Zantedeschia spp. ‘Super Gem’ with a rose-pink to lavender spathe and ‘Black Magic’ with a light yellow spathe at the Gangwon Provincial Agricultural Research and Extension Services in Korea. The cross was performed in 2003. In 2006, ‘GZ0616’ was selected as a good color and flower type by screening the flowering characteristics. In 2007, it was selected for the second stage after characterization of growth rate, plant height, and initial stage. From 2013 to 2015, uniformity and stability were confirmed through characterization and cultivation tests, and it was finally selected as ‘GanggyoC4-6’. In February 2017, this cultivar was registered as 'Lip Smile'. The main outside spathe color is light yellow and reddish pink (Y2C+RP79C). The spathe height is 8.5 cm and the width is 6.2 cm. The flowering time is 64.3 days, the plant height is 66.0 cm, and the tuber fresh weight is 80.0 g. Consumer preference for this cultivar is higher than that for the reference cultivar ‘Captain Rosette’. ‘Lip Smile’ is mainly available for cut flowers.

 서 언
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  육성 경위
  주요 특성
  재배상 유의점
 초 록
  • Jae Young Ko(Crop Research Division, Gangwon Provincial Agricultural Research and Extension Services) | 고재영 Corresponding author
  • Young Jin Kim(Horticulture Research Division, Gangwon Provincial Agricultural Research and Extension Services) | 김영진
  • Kang Jun Choi(Horticulture Research Division, Gangwon Provincial Agricultural Research and Extension Services) | 최강준
  • Sun Bae Byon(Horticulture Research Division, Gangwon Provincial Agricultural Research and Extension Services) | 변선배
  • Ji Eun Park(Horticulture Research Division, Gangwon Provincial Agricultural Research and Extension Services) | 박지은
  • Soon Bae Bang(Crop Research Division, Gangwon Provincial Agricultural Research and Extension Services) | 방순배