어천 용천수에 서식하는 연준모치(Phoxinus phoxinus)의 생태적 특징을 연구를 위하여 2016년 1월부터 12월까지 조사를 실시하였다. 수온은 9.7~14.3℃로 연중 15℃ 이하를 유지하였다. 연준모치 공서종은 금강모치(Rhynchocypris kumgangensis, 70.14%), 둑중개(Cottus koreanus, 13.63%), 버들치(Rhynchocypris oxycephalus, 3.16%), 무지개송어 (Oncorhynchus mykiss, 0.97%), 참갈겨니(Zacco koreanus, 0.49%), 참종개(Iksookimia koreensis, 0.24%) 등 이었다. 암수의 성비는 1:0.86 이었고 전장이 30~50 mm 집단은 만1년생, 50~65 mm는 만 2년생, 65~75 mm는 만 3년생, 75 mm 이상은 만 4년생으로 추정되었다. 암컷은 전장의 길이가 50 mm 이상이, 수컷은 60 mm 이상이 되어야 성적 성숙이 이루어졌다. 산란시기는 4월부터 7월이었으며 산란 성기는 6월에서 7월 이었다. 산란시기의 수온은 12.3~14. 3℃ 이었고 산란 성기는 13.8~14.3℃ 이었다. 포란수는 평균 508개로 이었고 성숙란은 노란색으로 구형이었고 직경은 1.58±0.13 mm 이었다. 전장-체중과의 상관관계식은 BW=0.000007TL3.09로 상수 a는 0.000007를, 매개변수 b는 3.09 이었고, 비만도 평균 0.99(0.76~1.32) 이었다.
We investigated the ecological characteristics of Phoxinus phoxinus in the spring water in Eocheon stream from January to December 2016. The water temperature was 9.7~14.3℃ and remained below 15℃ throughout the year. The fishes cohabiting with minnow were Rhynchocypris kumgangensis (70.14%), Cottus koreanus (13.63%), Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (3.16%), Oncorhynchus mykiss (0.97%), Zacco koreanus (0.49%), and Iksookimia koreensis (0.24%). The sex ratio of female to male was 1:0.86. The frequency analysis of total length indicated that the fishes with the total length of 30 - 50 mm were one year old, those of 50 - 65 mm were two years old, those of 65 - 75 mm were three years old, and those of 75 mm or more were four years old. The sexually mature fishes were 50 mm or longer for female and 60 mm or longer for male. The spawning season was from April to July, and the water temperature was 12.3 - 14.3℃ during the period. The prosperous spawning season was from June to July, and the water temperature was 13.8 - 14.3℃ during the period. The average number of eggs in the ovaries was 508 per matured female, and the matured eggs were yellowish and spherical with a mean diameter of 1.58±0.13 mm. The length-weight correlation of P. phoxinus was BW=0.000007TL3.09 with the constant a as 0.000007 and the parameter b as 3.09. The condition factor (K) was 0.99 (0.76 - 1.32) in average.