차체의 구조강성 평가를 위한 진동 특성의 고려 A Consideration of Vibration Characteristic for Structure Stiffness Estimation of Automotive Body

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/377925
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제21권 제3호 (2019.06)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

The structural performance of a vehicle can be evaluated by the static and dynamic structural analyses which predict the amounts of deformation & stiffness, and the static analysis should be done first. Another important aspect to be considered in the design process is crashworthiness, because a structurally sturdy vehicle body may be overdesigned with the excessive strength and durability standards. The ideal condition of a body structure is to absorb the impact load at a certain level of local deformation, to distribute the load to each structure adequately, and to prevent the excessive stress concentration and deformation. This paper is the result of the consideration of vibration characteristic for structure stiffness estimation of automotive body through the finite element modeling.

1. 서 론
2. 차체의 구조설계를 위한 유한요소 모델링
    2.1 단순 유한요소모델링
    2.2 결합부 강성의 수식화
    2.3 쉘 요소를 이용한 유한요소 모델링
3. 차체에 대한 구조 강성에서진동 특성 평가
    3.1 골격 진동
    3.2 패널 진동
    3.3 차량 쉐이크
    3.4 부우밍음(Booming)
    3.5 로드 노이즈(Road Noise)
    3.6 바람 소리
4. 결 론
  • 이정익(Department of Mechanical Design, Inha Technical College) | Jeongick Lee Corresponding Author