자연냉매용 소형냉동장치에서의 단열모세관 길이 예측 Prediction of Adiabatic Capillary Tube Length of Small Refrigeration System Using Natural Refrigerants

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/377934
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제21권 제3호 (2019.06)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

This paper focuses on the simulation of refrigeration cycle equipped with the adiabatic capillary tube, which is widely used in small vapor compression refrigeration systems. The present simulation is based on fundamental conservation equations of mass, energy and momentum. These equations are solved through an iterative process. The adiabatic capillary tube model is based on homogeneous flow model. This model is used to understand the natural refrigerants flow behavior inside the adiabatic capillary tube. Transport properties and thermodynamic of natural refrigerants are calculated by using EES(Engineering Equation Solver) program. The operating factors considered in this paper include condensation temperature, evaporation temperature, inner diameter tube and sub-cooling degree of the adiabatic capillary tube. Our simulation results are summarized as follows: as the size of the inner diameter tube increases, the pressure drop in the capillary tube decreases while the length of the capillary tube increases. We found that R-290 decreases by 20-22% on average, and R-600a significantly decreases below 50%, while R-1270 increases 17-19% on average, compared to R-134a.

1. 서 론
2. 이론해석
3. 결과 및 고찰
    3.1 응축온도 영향
    3.2 증발온도 영향
    3.3 과냉각도 영향
    3.4 관경 영향
4. 결 론
  • 임원택(Department of Mechanical System Engineering, TongMyong University) | Won-Taek Lim Corresponding Author