Consumer responses towards combinations of diverse methods notifying price discounts of clothing products 의류제품의 다양한 가격할인 제시방법 결합에 따른 소비자 반응

Minjung Jeon, Eunah Yoh
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/383502
복식문화연구 (服飾文化硏究)
27권 5호 (2019.10)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

The aim of this study was to explore the effect of combinations of diverse methods notifying price discounts (i.e., reference price, odd price, and discount rate signs) and the relationships among product attribute perception, discount perception, attitude toward product, and purchase intention of product. Experiments were conducted where 12 stimuli of different price discount information notifications regarding T-shirt advertisements were presented to 352 informants. The results showed that notification of each type of discount information increased discount perception, whereas no effect due to the size of letters used in the discount rate notification was found. As more price discount information notifications were used, discount perception tended to become stronger. The results of ANOVA analysis show that both product attribute perception and discount perception affected attitude toward the product. In addition, product purchase intention was determined by attitude toward the product as well as price discount perception. Based on these findings, marketers may want to use a combination of methods of price discount notifications in advertisements to deliver price discount information clearly to consumers. Confirmation of discount information using multiple cues would help consumers to notice and perceive price discount information provided by retailers more effectively. Discount information is crucial for increasing both purchase intention and favorable attitude, therefore, diverse strategies regarding discount information presentations should be developed, tested and applied in the real world of retailing.

I. Introduction
Ⅱ. The Literature Review
    1. Discount information notifications
    2. Consumer responses toward discount information notifications
    3. Antecedents and consequences of attitude toward the product
    4. Research problems and hypotheses
Ⅲ. Research Methods
    1. Experiment plan and stimuli development
    2. Measurements and analysis
Ⅳ. Results and Discussion
    1. Demographic characteristics of informants and manipulation checks
    2. Test of hypothesis 1
    3. Test of hypothesis 2
Ⅴ. Conclusion and Suggestions
  • Minjung Jeon(Saek;Design Research Institute) | 전민정
  • Eunah Yoh(Dept. of Fashion Marketing, Keimyung University) | 여은아 Corresponding author