풀림감지 기능을 갖는 스마트볼트 개발 Development of the SmartBolt with Un-locking Detection

최재혁, 이제윤
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/387304
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제21권 제6호 (2019.12)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

Water supply through the water supply system is an essential element for normal industrial and living, and the interruption of water supply due to leakage and breakage can cause major problems. Local leaks and breakdowns of pipelines that make up the water supply system are unavoidable problems caused by the aging of pipelines, which require water leak detection and prevention through monitoring the integrity of structures. In this study, smart bolts, which can be determined whether or not to be loosened, were proposed for bolts used for tightening water pipes, valves, etc. that make up the water supply system, and their applicability was verified through actual fabrication and experimentation.

1. 서 론
2. 구조 강건성 평가
    2.1절 유한요소 해석
    2.2절 인장시험
3. 스마트볼트(SmartBolt) 제작 및 평가
    3.1절 스마트볼트(SmartBolt) 설계 및 제작
    3.2 스마트볼트(SmartBolt) 검증
4. 결 론
  • 최재혁(Corechips) | Jae-Hyuk Choi Corresponding Author
  • 이제윤(Corechips) | Jae-Yun Lee