본 연구에서는 예비 마스터가드너를 선발, 정보를 전달하고 활동을 촉진시켜 프로그램 진행을 위한 실질적인 관리를 담당 하는 코디네이터 양성을 위해 데이컴 분석을 통하여 마스터가드너 코디네이터의 전문성 기준과 직무모형을 제시하였다. 1, 2차 데이컴 위원회를 통해 임무, 작업, 작업 요소를 도출하고 작업에 필요한 지식, 기술, 태도를 확정하였다. 도출된 임무 및 작업 등을 바탕으로 마스터가드너 교육을 담당하고 있는 시군 농업기술센터 농촌지도사를 대상으로 직무 수행평가를 시행하였다. 마스터가드너 코디네이터 직무분석 결과,
To analyze and development job such as Master Gardener Coordinator, the Development a Curriculum (DACUM) method was used to analyze the Master Gardener Coordinator job. The analysis identified seven key duties; 1) understanding of garden culture, 2) understanding of gardening skills, 3) understanding of voluntary service, 4) curriculum development, 5) curriculum implementation, 6) follow-up after education, and 7) professional development. The analysis also identified, 41 tasks related to the job: four tasks in duty 1, four in 2, six in 7 and seven in 7. Moreover, 173 sub-task elements were identified. The implication of this study was that the job model of Master Gardener Coordinator was suggested through DACUM method analysis. This role and its scope of activity were established to prepare the ground for further research on standards of job performance and job analysis of Master Gardener Coordinator in the future.