열탄소성 해석을 이용한 전기차 배터리 하우징 마찰교반용접에 관한 연구

강성욱, 김환진, 김재웅, 이창연, 유현수
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/394386
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제22권 제2호 (2020.04)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

In this study, the deformation of friction stir welding on the aluminum battery housing material(AL6063-T5) applied to the electric vehicle was effectively predicted through experiments and numerical simulations. The temperature data were measured during the friction stir welding experiment, and the numerical simulation was carried out using the experimental temperature data. In the heat transfer analysis, the temperature distribution of the structure over time was calculated using the Reynolds equation. The final friction stir welding deformation was calculated by performing the structural analysis using the calculated temperature distribution data over time. The thermal elasto-plastic analysis was performed according to the friction stir welding process conditions and the welding sequences. Finally, the optimum welding condition was derived that the welding speed is 1000 mm/min and the rotation speed of the tool is 2000 RPM.

 1. 서 론
 2. 마찰교반용접 실험
  2.1 실험 조건
  2.2 열전대를 이용한 온도데이터 수집
  2.3 마찰교반용접 공정에 따른 인장실험
 3. 유한요소법을 이용한 열탄소성 해석
  3.1 열원 계산
  3.2 열전달 해석을 위한 물성치
  3.3 열전달 해석 – 시편 모델
  3.4 열전달 해석 – 배터리 하우징 모델
  3.5 열탄소성 해석을 위한 물성치
  3.6 열탄소성 해석 – 배터리 하우징 모델
 4. 결 론
 후 기
  • 강성욱(Transport Machine Components Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology) | S. W. Kang
  • 김환진(Transport Machine Components Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology) | H. J. Kim
  • 김재웅(Smart Manufacturing Process R&D Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology) | J. W. Kim
  • 이창연(Technical Center, Daejoo Kores CO., LTD.) | C. Y. Lee
  • 유현수(School of Industrial Engineering and Naval Architecture, Changwon National University) | H. S. Ryu Corresponding Author