전동킥보드의 형상에 따른 정면충돌시 구조해석에 관한 연구 A Study on Structural Analysis at Front Collision According to the Shape of Electric Kick Board

최계광, 조재웅
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/395904
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제22권 제3호 (2020.06)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

In this study, the deformation, equivalent stress and strain energy were analyzed on the electric kick board emerging as a new means of transportation at the accident of a front collision according to each shape were analyzed. The largest part deformation happened at the handle, and the board part where the person’s feet was placed was seen to become weak. The equivalent stress was most visible at the board section, unlike the deformation results. In particular, the deformation and stress of model A which has a long and thin neck, have occurred greatly. Therefore, the longer the neck, the greater the deformation and stress occur. Among all models, the deformation and stress were the smallest at model C. As model A has a particularly thinner neck and board connection part, a large strain energy appeared. Therefore, it is considered that the connection needs to be reinforced thickly and firmly. On the study result, the thicker the board part of the electric kick board and the lower the body of the vehicle, the safer it is. The results of this study can be effectively applied to investigate the values of stresses and deformations, and strain energies through structural analysis without the fracture test at the front collision according to the shape of electric kick board.

1. 서 론
2. 모델 및 해석 결과
    2.1 연구 모델
    2.2 해석 조건
    2.3 해석 결과
3. 결 론
  • 최계광(Department of Metalmold Design Engineering, Kongju National University) | Kye-Kwang Choi
  • 조재웅(Division of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, Kongju National University) | Jae-Ung Cho Corresponding Author