자작 자동차 프레임의 형상에 따른 구조 및 피로 해석에 관한 연구 A Study on Structural and Fatigue Analysis due to Shape of Self-made Car Frame

최계광, 조재웅
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/395937
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제22권 제3호 (2020.06)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

In this study, the structural and fatigue analyses were carried out according to the shape of the self-made car frame. As a result of structural analysis, all models are shown to have the weak strength and large deformation, as the equivalent stress increases at the forward part of the impact force. It can be seen that model 3 is deformed less than other models 1 or 2. And model 3 with the truss structure prevents the great deformation from the collision. In case of irregular fatigue loads, the fatigue life of the ‘Sample history’ increased by about 59.3 times compared to the ‘SAE bracket history’ under extreme fatigue load conditions, indicating that the fatigue load condition of the ‘Sample history’ were stable. The fatigue life and deformation of model 3 among all models are significantly different to models 1 and 2. If the research results are applied to the design of self-made cars, it will be useful for improving the durability and preventing the damage. The results of this study can be effectively utilized to investigate the values of stresses and deformations, and fatigue lives without the experiments of fracture and fatigue according to the shape of the car frame.

1. 서 론
2. 연구 결과
    2.1 정적 구조 해석 결과
    2.2 피로해석 결과
3. 결 론
  • 최계광(Department of Metalmold Design Engineering, Kongju National University) | Kye-Kwang Choi
  • 조재웅(Division of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, Kongju National University) | Jae-Ung Cho Corresponding Author