정량적 식생분석을 통한 금남호남・호남정맥 마루금 일대의 식생 특성 Vegetation Characteristics of Geumnamhonam ・ Honam Ridge Areas Understood through Quantitative Vegetation Analysis

박석곤, 강현미
  • LanguageKOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/398420
한국환경생태학회지 (한국환경생태학회지 (환생지))
제34권 제4호 (2020.08)
한국환경생태학회 (Korean Society of Environment & Ecology)

금남호남・호남정맥 마루금 일대 식생구조를 알기 위해 입지환경과 인위적 영향을 고려해 금남호남정맥 2곳, 호남정맥 4곳을 중점조사지로 골라 식생조사를 실시했다. TWINSPAN을 써서 두 정맥은 각각 7개씩의 식물군락으로 유형화됐다. TWINSPAN기법의 식별종은 식물군락의 환경요인을 간접적으로 대변하는데 두 정맥의 군락 유형은 해발고, 토양수분, 교란 등의 환경요인에 의해 분할됐다. 이 결과는 DCA 1축의 환경요인과 조화를 이루었다. 두 정맥은 모두 저지대에선 리기다소나 무, 곰솔 등의 조림수종과 자생종이 서로 경쟁 관계에 있었다. 이처럼 정맥의 저지대는 조림, 개발사업 등으로 인위적 식생 교란이 심한 편이었다. 상대적으로 고지대의 능선부・상부사면・정상부는 신갈나무・굴참나무・소나무가 우점하는 식생유형이 양호하게 보전됐다. 차이점으론 금남호남정맥은 호남정맥보다 해발고와 위도가 높아 신갈나무우점군락이 가장 넓게 분포했다. 반면, 호남정맥은 신갈나무와 함께 소나무우점군락이었고, 남해안에 인접해 있어 곰솔우점군락이 출현했다는 점이다. TWINSPAN과 DCA 등의 정량적 식생분석에선 종조성 변화와 그 변화를 일으키는 환경요인 추출이 중요하다. 이를 위해선 우연 출현종 제거와 환경요인을 상정한 조사계획 수립, 조사데이터의 특성에 부합한 최적의 분석기법 선택 등이 필요하다.

This study conducted selected two sites in Geumnamhonam and four sites in Honam-Jeongmaek for vegetation survey with consideration to the location environment and anthropogenic impacts to investigate the vegetation structures of the Geumnamhonam-Jeongmaek・Honam-Jeongmaek ridge areas. Using TWINSPAN (two-way indicator species analysis), each of the two ridge areas were categorized into seven plant communities. The differential species in the TWINSPAN technique indirectly represent the environmental factors of plant communities, and the community types of the two ridge areas were divided based on environmental factors such as altitudes above sea level, soil moisture, and disturbance. These results were in harmony with the environmental factors of the DCA (detrended correspondence analysis) axis 1. In the low-lying areas of both ridge areas, afforestation tree species such as Pinus rigida and P. thunbergii were in competition with native tree species. As such, in the low-lying areas, artificial vegetation disturbance was severe due to afforestation and development projects. In relatively highland areas, such as upper slopes, and top areas, in the ridge, the vegetation type with the dominance of Quercus mongolica, Q. variabilis, and P. densiflora was preserved well. As for differences between the two ridge areas, communities dominated by Q. mongolica were distributed widely in Geumnamhonam-Jeongmaek because of the altitudes above sea level, and the latitude of this ridge area are higher than those of Honam-Jeongmaek. On the other hand, communities dominated by P. densiflora were distributed along with communities dominated by Q. mongolica, and communities dominated by Q. variabilis appeared in Honam-Jeongmaek because it is adjacent to the south coast. In quantitative vegetation analysis such as TWINSPAN and DCA, changes in species composition and the extracting environmental factors that cause the changes are important. To that end, the removal of accidental emergent species, the establishment of an investigation plan that assumes environmental factors, and the selection of the optimal analytical method suitable for the characteristics of the survey data are necessary.

Table Content
요 약
서 론
    1. 연구대상지 선정 및 개황
    2. 조사 및 분석 방법
결과 및 고찰
    1. 분류분석
    2. 상대우점치 및 흉고직경급 분석
    3. 종합고찰
  • 박석곤(국립순천대학교 산림자원・조경학부) | Seok-Gon Park (Division of Forest Resources and Landscape Architecture, Sunchon National Univ.)
  • 강현미(국립목포대학교 조경학과) | Hyun-Mi Kang (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, MokpoNational Univ.) 교신저자