친환경 복합비료 원료 자동배출 및 분쇄 시스템 개발 Development of Automatic Discharging and Grinding System Producing Eco-friendly Composite Fertilizer Raw Materials

이원섭, 최우석
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/398676
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제22권 제4호 (2020.08)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

In relation to the development of automatic discharging and grinding system producing eco-friendly composite fertilizer raw materials, the performance test was proceeded. and We had obtained the following results. 1. Of the evaluation items set as performance indicators for this technology development, the “grinding capacity” of the composite fertilizer roll mill is higher than the current market-sufficient performance (1500kg/hr) of 1800kg/hr.For “grind particle size”, results of less than 1.8 mm on average were obtained, which is smaller than market-sufficient performance (average less than 2 mm). 2. As a result of the evaluation of “1batch 400kg discharge time”, the results of less than 10min/1bach were obtained, which is shorter than the market satisfaction performance (15min/1bach).

  • 이원섭(강릉원주대학교) | Won-Seub Lee 교신
  • 최우석(강릉원주대학교 기계의용공학과) | Woo-Suck Choi