절화 국화 ‘백마’를 재배하고 있는 관행농가와 스마트팜의 시설현황, 재배환경, 절화생육 및 경영성과를 비교 분석하였 다. 관행농가는 비닐하우스에서 토경으로, 스마트팜은 유리온 실에서 양액재배하고 있었다. 스마트팜은 광량, 온도, 습도, CO2, 풍속, 강우, 양액 pH와 EC 측정을 위한 센서들을 갖추어 자동제어하고 있었으며, 실시간으로 컴퓨터와 휴대전화 어플 리케이션을 이용하여 온실을 관리하고 있었다. 반면에 관행농 가는 환경 측정용 센서와 관비재배용 pH와 EC 센서들이 전혀 없었고, 모든 시스템들을 수동으로 작동하고 있었다. 시설 내의 주간과 야간온도는 관행농가에서 생육 적온보다 낮게 관리되고 있었다. 관행농가의 토양 EC는 3.2dS・m-1로 높게 나타나 절화 생육에 적합하지 않은 것으로 나타났고, 스마트팜은 1.1dS・m-1 로 적절하게 관리하고 있었다. 재배방법에 있어서 토양소독은 관행농가에서는 실시하지 않았으며, 스마트팜에서는 과산화수 소를 이용하여 토양소독을 실시하고 있었다. 그 외에 재배방 법은 큰 차이가 없었으나, 관행농가에서 응애가 많이 발생하 여 피해증상이 나타났다. 절화장, 화폭, 생체중, 엽록소 함량 등과 같은 절화 생육은 관행농가보다 스마트팜에서 더 양호한 것으로 나타났다. 경영성과 측면에서 1,000m2 기준으로 순이 익은 관행농가에서 -419천원이었고, 스마트팜은 4,484천원이 었으며, 생산량과 수취가격이 관행농가보다 스마트팜에서 각 각 22%와 52% 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 절화의 생육과 경영성과의 차이는 스마트팜의 자동화 설비에 의해 정 밀 생육관리가 가능했기 때문이라고 판단되었다.
We analyzed and compared the facility status, cultivation environment, growth of flowers, and management performance of a conventional farm and a smart farm in which Chrysanthemum ‘Baekma’ was grown. The conventional farm consisted of cultivation with soil culture in a plastic film greenhouse, whereas the smart farm consisted of hydroponic cultivation in a glass greenhouse. The smart farm was equipped with sensors for measuring solar radiation, temperature, humidity, CO2, wind speed, rainfall, and pH and electrical conductivity (EC) of the nutrient solution, and was managed in real time using computers and mobile phone applications. In contrast, the conventional farm had neither sensors for environmental measurement nor pH and EC sensors for fertigation, and all systems were operated manually. The day and night temperatures in the plastic film house of the conventional farm were lower than the optimum growth temperature of Chrysanthemum ‘Baekma’. The soil EC of the conventional farm was found to be high (3.2 dS・m-1) indicating that it was not suitable for the growth of cut flowers, whereas the smart farm was properly managed at 1.1 dS・m-1. With respect to the cultivation method, no soil disinfection was performed at the conventional farm, whereas disinfection using hydrogen peroxide was performed at the smart farm. Although there were no other significant differences in cultivation methods, symptoms of damage by mites were seen at the conventional farm. The plant growth, such as length of cut flowers, flower diameter, fresh weight, and chlorophyll content were improved in the smart farm compared with the conventional farm. In terms of management performance (based on an area of 1,000 m2), the net income was -419,000 won for the conventional farm and 4,484,000 won for the smart farm, and the yield and sales price were 22% and 52% higher in smart farm than in the conventional farm, respectively. The results of this study indicate that the differences in the plant growth as well as management performance can be attributed to precise plant growth regulation by the automated facilities at the smart farm.