QR 코드 인식 이동용 로봇 연구 QR Code Recognition Mobile Robotics Study

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/409211
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제23권 제2호 (2021.04)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

The role of QR Code robots in smart logistics is great. Cognitive robots, such as logistics robots, were mostly used to adjust routes and search for peripheral sensors, cameras, and recognition signs attached to walls. However, recently, the ease of making QR Codes and the convenience of producing and attaching a lot of information within QR Codes have been raised, and many of these reasons have made QR Codes recognizable as visions and others. In addition, there have been cases in developed countries and Korea that control several of these robots at the same time and operate logistics factories smartly. This representative case is the KIVA robot in Amazon. KIVA robots are only operated inside Amazon, but information about them is not exposed to the outside world, so a variety of similar robots are developed and operated in several places around the world. They are applied in various fields such as education, medical, silver, military, parking, construction, marine, and agriculture, creating a variety of application robots. In this work, we are developing a robot that can recognize its current position, move and control in the directed direction through two-dimensional QR codes with the same horizontal and vertical sides, and the error is to create a QR Code robot with accuracy to reach within 3mm. This paper focuses on the QR Code recognition mobile robotics study during the development of QR Code-aware indoor mobility robots.

  • 이정익(인하공업전문대학) | Jeongick Lee Corresponding Author