도심항공교통용 개인항공기의 국내 항공 인증 제안 A Proposal for the Domestic Aviation Certification of Personal Air Vehicle(PAV) for Urban Air Mobility(UAM)

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/410627
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제23권 제5호 (2021.10)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

This paper intends to consider the contents of the insufficient certification system of PAV and to propose the certification regulations. In other words, PAV is a combination of people and drones that should reflect commercial specifications among aviation certification specifications and civil aircraft regulations. However, the domestic PAV certification system is still lacking in clear detailed regulations, and the detailed certification system of PAV should be established as soon as possible. It is hoped that PAV certification system will be established first and applied in earnest in the future, and that the domestic PAV industry will be activated.

  • 최정호(경남대학교) | Choi Jeong Ho