서남해안 도서지역의 난온대 식생유형화 및 훼손등급 The Types of Warm Temperate Forest and the Degraded Levels in the Island Area of the West and South Coast

박석곤, 성찬용, 강현미
  • LanguageKOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/411778
한국환경생태학회지 (한국환경생태학회지 (환생지))
제35권 제6호 (2021.12)
한국환경생태학회 (Korean Society of Environment & Ecology)

전남 서남해(진도·완도·강진·고흥·여수)의 여러 도서지역을 조사하여 식생을 유형화했고, 난온대 상록활엽수림의 우점 도·출현종수를 기준으로 난온대림의 훼손등급 평가기준을 제안했다. 이를 통해 훼손등급별 복원유형과 복원기법을 제시하여, 도서지역의 난온대림 복원계획을 수립하는 데 활용하고자 했다. 307개의 식생조사 데이터를 이용해 TWINSPAN기법으 로 식생유형화를 시도했는데 8개 식물군락으로 구분됐고, 각 군락별 상록활엽수종의 출현 특성을 파악했다. 군락은 해발 86.6m의 사면하부에 위치했고 참식나무와 구실잣밤나무가 우점했다. 군락Ⅱ․Ⅲ은 해발 10.5∼22.5m 이하의 저지대 해안가에 출현하는 군락으로서 후박나무·생달나무·참식나무·구실잣밤나무가 우점했다. 군락 Ⅳ·Ⅴ는 해발 71.9∼ 153.4m 사이의 사면 하부·중부에 분포한 군락으로서 구실잣밤나무가 우점하는 군락이었다. 군락Ⅵ는 해발 166.9m의 사면 하부·중부에 위치하며 교목층과 아교목층에 참식나무가 우점했고, 마지막 군락 Ⅶ ․ Ⅷ은 해발 187.8∼246.2m의 사면중부에 붉가시나무·참가시나무가 출현했다. 정리하면, 후박나무·생달나무·참식나무 등이 우점한 상록활엽수림은 주로 해안가 저지대에 출현했고, 구실잣밤나무군락은 이 군락보다 더 높은 내륙지역에 분포했다. 이 두 군락보다 더 높은 곳의 내륙 고지대에는 붉가시나무·참가시나무 등의 가시나무류 군락이 나타났다. 상록활엽수의 교목층 상대우점치와 교목성 상록활엽수 종수에 따라 훼손등급을 0∼Ⅴ로 구분했다. 그 훼손등급에 따라 복원유형(보존형, 유도형, 갱신형, 조성형)과 복원기법을 제안했다.

In order to understand the types of vegetation in warm temperate-climate zones, vegetation was investigated in several island areas in Jeollanam-do (Jindo, Wando, Gangjin, Goheung, and Yeosu). The evaluation standard for degraded level of warm temperate forests were proposed based on the importance percentage (IP) in canopy layer of the evergreen broad-leaf forests and the number of arboreal evergreen broad-leaf species. Through these measurements, the restoration types and techniques for each degraded level were estimated, and it is intended to be used in establishing restoration plans for the southwest coast island area. The vegetation was analyzed using the two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) method using survey data of 307 plots. As a result, it was divided into 8 communities, and the appearance characteristics of evergreen broad-leaf species were identified in each community. Community I was located on the lower slope at an altitude of 86.6 m, and Neolitsea sericea and Castanopsis sieboldii were dominant. Communities II and III were the vegetation types that appear on the coast below an altitude of 10.5 to 22.5 m, and Machilus thunbergii, Cinnamomum japonicum, N. sericea, and C. sieboldii were dominant. Communities IV and V were vegetation types that appeared in the lower and middle slops between the altitudes of 71.9 to 153.4m, and C. sieboldii was dominant. In community VI, the N. sericea was dominant in the lower and middle slops at an altitude of 166.9 m. The last communities VII and VIII were the vegetation types that appeared on the middle slop at an altitude of 187.8 to 246.2 m. Also, Quercus acuta and Q. salicina were present. In summary, the evergreen broad-leaf forests dominated by M. thunbergii, C. japonicum, and N. sericea appeared mainly in the coastal areas of the lowlands. The community of C. sieboldii was distributed higher inland than this community. The communities that appeared mainly in the inland highlands at levels above these two communities were Q. acuta and Q. salicina. The degraded level was classified as 0 to V, according to the IP of arboreal evergreen broad-leaf species and the number of arboreal evergreen broad-leaf species. According to the degraded level, the restoration types (preservation, induction, improvement, creation) and the restoration techniques were determined.

Table Content
요 약
서 론
    1. 연구대상지 선정 및 조사지 개황
    2. 조사 및 분석 방법
결과 및 고찰
    1. 분류분석(classification analysis)에 의한 식생 유형화
    2. 식생유형별 식물군집구조
    3. 난온대 상록활엽수종의 분포역 및 종자산포 특성
    4. 난온대림의 훼손등급 및 복원유형·기법
  • 박석곤(국립순천대학교 산림자원・조경학부) | Seok-Gon Park (Division of Forest Resources and Landscape Architecture, Sunchon National Univ.)
  • 성찬용(한밭대학교 도시공학과) | Chan-Yong Sung (Dept. of Urban Engineering, Hanbat National Univ.)
  • 강현미(국립목포대학교 조경학과) | Hyun-Mi Kang (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Mokpo National Univ.) 교신저자