Indonesian Muslim women’s fashion design preference

Hyewon Park, Younghee Park
  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/411997
복식문화연구 (服飾文化硏究)
29권 6호 (2021.12)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

Indonesian women have emerged as global consumers, and various studies are needed to expand the global fashion market targeting their needs. In this study, a survey was conducted to determine the fashion design preferences of Indonesian Muslim women according to demographic characteristics and religious variables. In this study, Indonesian women aged from their teens to their 40s were surveyed by questionnaire during June 2020. This yielded 301 survey responses, which were analyzed using χ2-test, t-test, ANOVA, and Duncan's multiple range test using SPSS23. The results of the study are as follows: Analysis of the demographic characteristics of Indonesian Muslim women and the degree of acceptance of fashion trends according to religious variables showed significant differences according to age, monthly income, and the extent to which they wore a hijab. Analysis of the demographic characteristics of the women and the degree of acceptance of the fitted garment according to religious variables showed significant differences depending on their age, whether they were married, their monthly income, religious faithfulness, the extent to which they wore a hijab, and the degree of acceptance of Islamic discipline. After examining the difference in Muslim women’s preferred fashion images (according to demographic characteristics and religious variables), significant differences were identified according to their age, income, extent to which they wore a hijab, and the degree of Islamic discipline with regard to clothing.

I. Introduction
Ⅱ. Theoretical Background
    1. Indonesia’s economic􀀎 growth and fashion industry development as a population powerhouse
    2. Indonesian Muslim women’s design preference for fashion products
Ⅲ. Research Questions and Methodology
    1. Research questions and research model
    2. Data collection and research subjects
    3. Measurement tools and analysis methods
Ⅳ. Results and Discussion
    1. Differences in the degree of acceptance of fashion trends and fitted clothing
    2. Styling items considered when wearing a Hijab
    3. Differences in fashion design preferences
Ⅴ. Conclusion
  • Hyewon Park(Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Interdisciplinary Program in Senior Human Ecology, Changwon National University)
  • Younghee Park(Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Interdisciplinary Program in Senior Human Ecology, Changwon National University) Corresponding author