Slacks pattern development for the female adolescents with lower-body obesity using virtual simulation system 가상착의 시스템을 활용한 하체 비만 여자 청소년의 슬랙스원형 설계

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/429221
복식문화연구 (服飾文化硏究)
31권 6호 (2023.12)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

This study analyzes the body shapes of lower-body obese female adolescents and proposes a slacks pattern suitable for their body type. Lower-body obesity is a prevalent type of teenage obesity, and our proposals aim to improve consumer satisfaction in ready-to-wear clothes across this demographic. We first observe characteristics of obese lower bodies, noting significantly above-average thigh and hip circumference. These figures indicate a high degree of curvature in obese lower bodies, along with a large drop value. Leveraging this data, we develop a novel slacks pattern using 3D avatars in a virtual simulation system. The formulas for the main areas of the pattern are as follows: front waist girth W/4+0.75cm+0.5cm, back waist girth W/4+0.5cm– 0.5cm, front hip girth H/4+1.25cm–0.5cm, back hip girth H/4+2cm+0.5cm, front crotch extension H/16+0.5cm, back crotch extension H/8+1cm. Results from appearance evaluations show that this pattern minimizes strain rate on the waist and hips, and its average score is significantly higher than that of an alternative pattern that was also evaluated. The minimized strain rate and high average score indicate that our pattern assigns a sufficient amount of space to the appropriate areas. Based on these results, we expect our research to inform slacks pattern development and production for obese consumers of all types.

I.􀀃 Introduction
Ⅱ.􀀃 Methods
    1.􀀎 Data􀀎 collection
    2.􀀎 Lower􀀎 bodice􀀎 analysis
    3.􀀎 Virtual􀀎 avatar􀀎 construction
    4.􀀎 Developed􀀎 slacks􀀎 pattern􀀎 construction􀀎 &􀀎virtual􀀎 garment􀀎 simulation
III.􀀃 Results􀀃 and􀀃 Discussion
    1.􀀎 Lower􀀎 bodice􀀎 analysis
    2.􀀎Virtual􀀎garment􀀎simulation􀀎results􀀎of􀀎comparative􀀎 pattern􀀎
    3.􀀎 Developed􀀎 pattern􀀎 construction􀀎 &􀀎 pattern􀀎evaluation
IV.􀀃 Conclusion
  • 임지영(대전대학교 디자인․아트대학 패션디자인․비즈니스학과 교수) | Jiyoung Lim (Professor, Dept. of Fashion Design & Business, College of Design & Art, Daejeon University, Korea) Corresponding author