Hee Young Jang(Gumi Flower Reserarch Institute, Gyeongsangbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Gumi 39102, Korea) | 장희영 (경상북도농업기술원 구미화훼연구소)
Corresponding author
Sung Tae Kim(Gumi Flower Reserarch Institute, Gyeongsangbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Gumi 39102, Korea) | 김성태 (경상북도농업기술원 구미화훼연구소)
Hyeon Ju Kim(Gumi Flower Reserarch Institute, Gyeongsangbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Gumi 39102, Korea) | 김현주 (경상북도농업기술원 구미화훼연구소)
Ko Eun Lee(Gumi Flower Reserarch Institute, Gyeongsangbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Gumi 39102, Korea) | 이고은 (경상북도농업기술원 구미화훼연구소)
San Yeong Kim(Department of Agricultural Environment Research, Gyeongsangbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Daegu 41404, Korea) | 김산영 (경상북도농업기술원 농업환경연구과)
hyun Sook Lee(Department of Horticultural Management Research, Gyeongsangbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Daegu 41404, Korea) | 이현숙 (경상북도농업기술원 원예경영연구과)
Jin Yong Ko(Gumi Flower Reserarch Institute, Gyeongsangbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Gumi 39102, Korea) | 고진용 (경상북도농업기술원 구미화훼연구소)