‘Russianness’ in the Transfiguration of Christ icons of Russia in the 15th-16th centuries 15~16세기 러시아의 ‘그리스도의 변모’ 이콘에 나타난 러시아성

Sun Young Choi, Haeng Gyu Choi
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/435393
복식문화연구 (服飾文化硏究)
32권 3호 (2024.06)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

This study aims to examine how the body and clothing of Jesus Christ are represented in the Russian Transfiguration of Christ icons of the 15th and 16th centuries and why it is considered to have established a distinct Russian iconography free from Byzantine influence. The study analyzes the Russian icons comparing them with their Byzantine prototypes to identify the distinctive ‘Russianness’ of the representation. The research methods comprise a qualitative analysis of the literature on Russian Orthodoxy, Russian icons, Christian theology, and Christ’s clothing and an empirical analysis of the icons. The scope of the study is limited to Russian icons from the 15th and 16th centuries and Byzantine icons from the 9th century onwards. The study found that, compared to Byzantine icons, the Russian icons exhibit a more elongated body, darker facial features, and lighter clothing. A statistical analysis using the Mann-Whitney U test further revealed that the Russian icons feature a stiffer, simpler form, more opaque material, and more defined clothing boundaries. These stylistic differences suggest that the ‘Russianness’ in the expression of Christ’s body and clothing in the Transfiguration of Christ icons derives from creativity, abstractness, and tradition. Rather than a simple recreation of the historical Christ or adherence to the Byzantine tradition, the Russian iconographic representation emphasizes Christ's transfiguration into a luminous form, as described in the Bible, accentuating his divine nature over his human aspects.

I.􀀃 Introduction
II.􀀃 Literature􀀃 Review
    1.􀀎 Russianness
    2.􀀎 Christ’s􀀎 body􀀎 and􀀎 clothing
    3.􀀎 Theological􀀎 significance􀀎 of􀀎 Christ’s􀀎 body􀀎 and􀀎clothing􀀎 in􀀎 the􀀎 Transfiguration
III.􀀃 Research􀀃 Method
    1.􀀎 Literature􀀎 review􀀎 and􀀎 data􀀎 collection
    2.􀀎 Theological􀀎 frame
IV.􀀃 Results􀀃 and􀀃 Discussion
    1.􀀎 Representation􀀎 of􀀎 Christ’s􀀎 body
    2.􀀎 Representation􀀎 of􀀎 Christ’s􀀎 clothing
    3.􀀎 Characteristics􀀎 of􀀎 Christ’s􀀎 body􀀎 and􀀎 clothing􀀎
    4.􀀎Russianness􀀎 on􀀎the􀀎Christ’s􀀎body􀀎 and􀀎clothing
V.􀀃 Conclusion
  • Sun Young Choi(Associate Professor, Dept. of Apparel Design, Konkuk University, Korea) | 최선영 (건국대학교 의상디자인학과 부교수) Corresponding author
  • Haeng Gyu Choi(Professor, Dept. of Russian Language, Kyung Hee University, Korea) | 최행규 (경희대학교 러시아어학과 교수)