박격포 조준 정렬 품질보증 방법에 관한 연구 A Study on the Quality Assurance Method of Mortar's Sight Alignment

손민구, 윤성호, 김현수, 고정민, 나라별
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/437272
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제26권 제4호 (2024.08)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

This study identifies the possibility of alignment discrepancies during mortar firing when using inactive fuzes, which make it impossible to visually observe impact points. To address this issue, we studied a quality assurance method for Sight Alignment after firing. To establish a baseline, we analyzed the pre-firing Sight Alignment and the impact group status during firing for 00 mortars and 000 shells. Based on this analysis, we derived the alignment position information range after firing for 36 mortars, distinguishing between 68% and 95% confidence interval. Finally, considering data characteristics, inspection time requirements, and non-conforming data, we selected the Sight Alignment range after firing based on the 95% confidence interval. This study is expected to contribute to the development of quality assurance methods for munitions by serving as an example of quality assurance in the mass production stage of mortars.

1. 서 론
2. 박격포의 조준 정렬
    2.1 조준 정렬의 목 적
    2.2 신관 활성 · 비활성탄 사격
3. 사격 전 조준 정렬 측정 결과
4. 사격 결과
    4.1 정확도 및 확률오차 측정 방식
    4.2 신관 활성탄 탄착군 분석
    4.3 신관 활성탄 부적합 데이터 분석
5. 사격 후 조준 정렬 측정 결과
    5.1 사격 전 · 후 조준 정렬 비교
    5.2 사격 후 조준 정렬 기준선정
6. 결론 및 고찰
  • 손민구(Defense Agency for Technology and Quality) | Min-Gu Son
  • 윤성호(Defense Agency for Technology and Quality) | Seong-Ho Yoon
  • 김현수(Defense Agency for Technology and Quality) | Hyun-Soo Kim
  • 고정민(SNT Dynamics) | Jung-Min Go
  • 나라별(Defense Agency for Technology and Quality) | Ra-Byeol Na Corresponding author