비전통오일 생산 플랜트 운전조건에 따른 제어로직 기반 설비의 이상 상태 진단 연구 Study on Diagnosis of Abnormal Conditions in Facilities Based on Control Logic According to Operating Conditions of Unconventional Oil Production Plants

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/437770
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제26권 제5호 (2024.10)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

Analyzing and diagnosing the causes of abnormal conditions through control logic processes at the plant site is critically important. When a process is halted, the steps for cause analysis and corrective action vary depending on the operator's experience and the specific characteristics of the process. Since it's often not feasible to keep the process stopped for an extended period, issues are sometimes resolved by forcibly restarting the PLC(Programmable Logic Controller). However, this can lead to the recurrence of the same error, which may negatively impact process operations. In particular, oil sands development is an uncharted area with anticipated environmental challenges. In this regard, an integrated system between control systems in the oil sands production plant was established to implement control logic, develop the HMI(Human-Machine Interface), and verify the user interface. This allowed for a better understanding of the equipment's operability.

1. 서 론
2. 시스템 제어로직 구현 및 검증
    2.1 이상 상태 검증
    2.2 제어시스템 연계 인터페이스 구성
    2.3 OPC(Open Platform Communications) 프로토콜을 통한 I/O 데이터 통신
    2.4 PLC(Programmable Logic Controller) 기반 제어로직 설계 및 구현
3. 결 론
후 기
  • 정진홍(President, Gaonens Co., Ltd. Doctor of Engineering in mechanical systems) | Jin-hong Jung Corresponding author