본 연구는 국내 유통 후 분화 칼랑코에 Kalanchoe blossfeldiana ‘Queen Bell’의 배지 수분함량에 따른 분화품질 및 수명 차이를 분석하고자 수행되었다. 출하 후 배지 내 수분함량(Substrate moisture content, %)은 매주 관수를 통해 고습(≥90%), 중습 (40~55%), 저습(10~30%) 3수준으로 처리하였다. 분화수명은 저습처리가 고습과 중습처리보다 36.8~42.3% 단축시켰다. 분 화수명 종료증상 중 잎의 황화증상은 저습처리에서 100% 나타 났다. 분화의 초장은 출하 후 분화수명 종료시점인 4주차에는 차이가 없었으나, 식물폭은 저습 처리가 고습과 중습 처리보다 13.4~15.4% 낮았다. 전체 꽃눈수와 개화된 꽃수는 1주차에는 처리간 차이가 없었으나, 4주차에 저습 처리에서 고습과 중습 처리구보다 낮았다. 개화율(Flowering rate)은 모든 처리구에 서 시간 경과에 따라 증가하였으나, 저습처리의 출하 대비 개화 율(Flwering compared to shipment)은 3주 이후부터 가장 낮았다. 5주차의 지상부의 생체중 및 건물중은 처리간 차이가 없었다. 반면 지하부의 생체중 및 건물중은 저습 처리가 고습과 중습 처리보다 모두 낮았다. 출하 후 4주차의 잎의 엽록소함량, Fv/Fm, 기공크기변화율은 처리간 차이가 없었다. 이때, 꽃잎과 잎의 온도는 고습처리에서 중습처리보다 낮았고, 저습처리에서 중습처리보다 높았다. 결론적으로 분화 칼랑코에의 출하 후 배 지 내 저습(10~30%)처리는 고습(≥90%)과 중습(40~55%)처리에 비해 분화수명을 단축시켰고, 잎의 황화현상을 증가시켰다. 특히 저습처리는 분화수명 종료 시점에 식물 폭, 전체 꽃눈수, 개화된 꽃수, 출하 대비 개화율, 지하부의 생제중 및 건물중을 감소시켰고, 꽃잎과 잎의 온도를 증가시켰다.
This study investigated the effect of substrate moisture content on the quality and shelf life of potted Kalanchoe blossfeldiana ‘Queen Bell’ after domestic distribution. The substrate moisture content (%) was treated with high (≥ 0%), middle (40 - 55%), and low (10 - 30%) through irrigation every week. Shelf life was shortened by 36.8 - 42.3% in the low treatment compared to the high and middle treatments. The symptoms of yellowing of leaves were 100% found in the low treatment. Plant height was no significant different at the end of the shelf life in the 4 weeks, but the plant width of the low treatment was 13.4 to 15.4% lower than the high and middle treatments. There was no significant difference by the treatments in the number of flower buds or open flowers at 1 week, but they were lower in the low treatment than ones in the high and middle treatments at 4 weeks. The flowering rate increased over time in all treatments, but the flowering compared to shipment of low treatment was the lowest after 3 weeks. There was no significant difference between treatments in fresh or dry weight of the shoot at 5 weeks. However, the fresh or dry weight of roots on low treatment was lower than on high and middle treatments. There was no difference between treatments in chlorophyll content, Fv/Fm, and stomatal pore or complex size change rate of leaves at 4 weeks. At this time, the temperature of petals and leaves was lower than that of the middle treatment in the high treatment and higher than that of the middle treatment in the low treatment. In conclusion, the low (10 - 30%) treatment of substrate moisture content after shipment of potted kalanchoe shortened the shelf life compared to the high (≥ 90%) and middle(40 - 55%) treatment and increased the leaf chlorosis. The low treatment reduced plant width, number of flower buds or open flowers, flowering compared to shipment, the fresh or dry weight of roots, and increased the temperature of petals and leaves at the end of shelf life.