문화상호주의가 반영된 공연 예술 의상의 그로테스크적 특성 연구 -오태석의 를 중심으로- A Study on Grotesquery Aesthetic Reflected Interculturalism in Stage Costume - The Case of Oh, Tae-seok's〈Why does Shim-Chung Drop Herself into In-Dang-Soo Twice〉-

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/49812
복식문화연구 (服飾文化硏究)
제17권 제5호 (2009.10)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

Since the end of 1960s, an era of internationalization, Interculturalism has been reflected in intercultural plays which borrow concepts of foreign-cultural aesthetics for the performance and create a new stage language. Among many writers and performers, Oh, Tae-seok created his own unique aesthetic performances through experimental and avant-garde methodologies connected with various areas of art. His plays are worth studying since they suggest us a point of view which helps us to get out of the ordinary, fixed thought and try to see variety of reality. Therefore, our study categorized Oh, Tae-seok’s play into four areas according to grotesquery interculturalism : Evil sprit, Abhorrence, Exaggeration and distort, and Heterogeneity. Based on this category, we analyzed plastic artistic characteristics of his plays’ stage costume, for example, shapes, materials, and color, and tried to enhance the aesthetic value of his plays. We made a conclusion that the play showed grotesquery features in stage costume, which represented death, tragedy, evil sprit of human negligence, surprising and grotesquery abhorrence by deformity of the body, exaggeration and distortion, ridiculousness, and heterogeneity, the mixture of abnormality and unstableness. Our study could help produce adequate stage costume matching the features of the performance, and be the cornerstone of grotesquery aesthetic interculturalism study reflected in stage costume.

  • 양용 | Yong Yang