비드높이 제어 및 용접선 추적에 레이저 비전센서 적용 사례 An Application on Control of Bead Height and Joint Tracking Using Laser Vision Sensor

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/55239
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제4권 제1호 (2002.06)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

There have been continuous efforts on automating welding processes. This automation process could he said to fall into two categories, weld seam tracking and weld quality evaluation. Recently, the attempts to achieve these two functions simultaneously arc on the increase. For the study presented in this paper, a vision sensor is made, a vision system is constructed and using this, the 3 dimensional geometry of the head is measured on-line. For the application as in welding, which is the characteristic of nonlinear process, a fuzzy controller is designed. And with this, an adaptive control system is proposed which acquires the bead height and the coordinates of the point on the bead along the horizontal fillet joint, performs seam tracking with those data, and also at the same time, controls the bead geometry to a uniform shape. A communication system, which enables the communication with the industrial robot, is designed to control the bead geometry and to track the weld seam. Experiments are made with varied offset angles from the pre-taught weld path, and they showed the adaptive system works favorable results.

 1. 서론
 2. 비전 센서의 제작 및 시스템 구성
  2.1 비전 센서의 제작
  2.2 비전 센서의 구성
 3. 센서 교정
  3.1 카메라 계의 교정식
  3.2 교정 실험
 4. 화상 처리
  4.1 레이저 띠 추출 및 세선화
  4.2 특징 추출
 5. 실험
  5.1 퍼지 제어기
  5.2 실험 장치 및 방법
 6. 실험 결과 및 고찰
 7. 결론
  • 이정익(용인송담대학 컴퓨터응용자동화과) | Jeongick Lee