교량외관조사용 탐사로봇 개발 (I) Development of Robotic Inspection System for Bridge Structure (I)

양경택, 김시찬
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/89765
한국기계기술학회지 (韓國機械技術學會誌)
제9권 제3호 (2007.09)
한국기계기술학회 (Korean Society of Mechanical Technology)

The increase of traffic over a bridge has been emerged as one of the most severe problems in view of bridge maintenance, since the load effect caused by the vehicle passage over the bridge has brought out a long-term damage to bridge structure, and it is nearly impossible to maintain operational serviceability of bridge to user's satisfactory level without any concern on bridge maintenance at the phase of completion. This study has the aim of development on automated inspection system to lower surface of bridge superstructures to replace the conventional system of bridge inspection with the naked eye, where the monitoring staff is directly on board to refractive or other type of maintenance vehicles, with which it is expected that we can solve the problems essentially where the results of inspection are varied to change with subjective manner from monitoring staff, increase stabilities in safety during the inspection, and make contribution to construct data base by providing objective and quantitative data and materials through image processing method over data captured by cameras. By this system it is also expected that objective estimation over the right time of maintenance and reinforcement work will lead enormous decrease in maintenance cost.

 1. 서론
 2. 로봇 시스템의 구성 및 특징
  2. 1 시스템의 구성
  2. 2 구동원리
  2. 3 시스템의 특징
 3. 개발내용
  3. 1 머신 비전 시스템
  3. 2 이송기구부
  3. 3 PLC 제어반
  3. 4 BMS와의 연계
 4. 모형시험
  4. 1 모형 시스템 개요
  4. 2 로봇 암
  4. 3 영상 획득 시스템
  4. 4 원격 로봇 구동 시스템
  4. 5 시스템 소프트웨어
  4. 6 모의 실험
 5. 결론
  • 양경택(대림대학 메카트로닉스과) | K. T. YANG
  • 김시찬(성균관대학교 바이오 메카트로닉스과) | S. C. KIM