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大豆育種에 있어서의 選拔에 關한 實驗的硏究 KCI 등재

Studies on the selection in soybean breeding - Ⅱ Additional data on heritability, genotypic correlation and selection index

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/11583
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한국작물학회지 (Korean Journal of Crop Science)
한국작물학회 (Korean Society Of Crop Science)

대두증산의 중요성에 미추어 대두의 다수계통 선발을 위하여 전년에 공시한 22품종을 재료로 각 형질의 유전력, 각 형질상호간의 유전상관, 그리고 선발지수 등을 재검토하기 위하여 선발시험을 한 바 대체로 전보 전년의 결과와 같다. 1. 유전력 : 유전력을 추정하기 위하여 파종기별로 각 형질의 평균치의 변동을 보면 제1표와 같이 파종기가 지연됨에 따라 형질의 평균치는 감소하고 (Table 1), 형질중에는 환경에 따라 크게 영향을 받는 것도 있으며(Table 2), 각 형질별 유전력을 추정한 바 그 결과는 제3표와 같다. 즉 개화일수ㆍ결실일수ㆍ생육일수 등 생유기간에 관계되는 형질은 그의 유전력이 높고 형태적 특성에 관계되는 형질중에서도 경장 100입중은 높으나 수량에 관여하는 형질 등은 낮았다. 그리고 파종기에 따라서도 변동을 하며 대체로 파종기가 늦어짐에 따라 감소하는 경향이 보인다(Table 3). 2. 유전상관 : 각 형질 상호간의 유전상관ㆍ표현형상관을 알기 위하여 각 형질의 표현형분산과 각 형질 상호간의 표현형공분산ㆍ유전공분산. 그리고 환경공분산을 산출한 바 그 결과는 제4,5표와 같고(Table 4,5), 그들의 유전상관과 표현형상관은 제6표와 같다(Table 6). 대체로 유전사관의 정도는 표현형상관보다높으나 파종기에 따라서도 변동하고 있다. 일주입중 즉 수랴오가 타형질과의 상관을 보면 대체로 전보와 같이 100입중이외의 제형질은 정의 상관을 보이며, 파종기에 따라서도 그 값이 변동을 하나 전보에서는 일주입중과 분지수 사이에 고도의 상관관계가 보였으나, 본실험에 있어서는 상관의 경향이 보였을 따름이다. 그리고 본실험에 있어서는 일주협수와 일주입수간에서 유전상관이 1이상의 이상치를 보였다. 3. 선발지수 : 선발이 최종 대상형질을 일주입중(형질 Y)으로 하여 여기에 어려 형질을 조합한 선발지수(Selection index A)와 최종 대상형질을 수량과 높은 유전상관이 있는 일주협수(형질 Y')로 하여 여기에 여러 형질을 조합한 선발지수(Selection index B)를 Robinson et al.의 방법에 의하여 작성하여 본 바 제7표와 같다(Table 7). 전보의 결과와 같이 대두의 선발에 있어서는 최종 대상형질을 일주입중 대신에 일주협수로써 선발하여도 대차가 없고, 선발대상형질을 4개형질이상인 경우에는 그 효과가 조사와 산출에 요하는 노력에 비하여 크게 기대될 정도가 못된다. 이와 같은 점에서 다수확을 목표로 하는 선발은 탈곡조제 전에 일주협수ㆍ분지수ㆍ경직경 등에 대하여 조사를 하고 선발지수를 산출하여 Selection score가 큰 계통부터 선발하여 가면 될 것으로 믿는다. 그리고 선발을 위한 대상형질로는 생육일수(X1 )ㆍ분지수(X2 )ㆍ경직경(X3 ), 그리고 일주협수(X4 )의 4개형질 혹은 분지수(X2 )ㆍ경직경(X3 ), 그리고 일주협수(X4 )의 3개형질로 할 것이 요망되고, 이들 형질의 측정치로 선발지수를 작성하여 그 지수에서 산출된 Selection score가 큰 계통부터 선발해 나가는 것이 선발지수의 이용상 실용적이고 효과적인 방법이라 하겠다.

The experimental studies were intended to clarify the effects of selection, and also aimed at estimating the heritabilities, the genotypic correlations among some agronomic characters, and at calculating the selection index on some selective characters for the selection of desirable lines, under different climatic conditions. Finally practical implications of these studies, especially on the selection index, were discussed. Twenty-two varieties, determinate growing habit type, were selected at random from the 138 soybean varieties cultivated the year before, were grown in a randomized block design with three replicates at Chinju, Korea, under May and June sowing conditions. The method of estimating heritabilities for the eleven agronomic characters-flowering date, maturity date, stem length, branch numbers per plant, stem diameter, plant weight, pod numbers per plant, grain numbers per plant and 100 grain weight, shown in Table 3, was the variance components procedures in a replicated trial for the varieties. The analysis of covariance was used to obtain the genotypic correlations and phenotypic correlations among the eight characters, and the selection indexes for some agronomic characters were calculated by Robinson's method. The results are summarized as follows: Heritabilities : The experiment on the genotype-environment interaction revealed that in almost all of the characters investigated the interaction was too large to be neglected and materially affected the estimates of various genotypic parameters. The variation in heritability due to the change of environments was larger in the characters of low heritability than in those of high heritability. Heritability values of flowering date, fruiting period (days from flowering to maturity), stem length and 100 grain weight were the highest in both environments, those of yield(grain weight) and other characters were showed the lower values(Table 3). These heritability values showed a decreasing trend with the delayed sowing in the experiments. Further, all calculated heritability values were higher than anticipated. This was expected since these values, which were the broad sense heritability, contain the variance due to dominance and epistasisf in addition to the additive genetic variance. Genotypic correlations : Genotypic correlations were slightly higher than the corresponding phenotypic correlations in both environments, but the variation in values due to the change of environment appeared between grain weight and some other characters, especially an increase between grain weight and flowering date, and the total growing period(Table 6). Genotypic correlations between grain weight and other characters indicated that high seed yield was genetically correlated with late flowering, late maturity, and the other five characters namely branch numbers per plant, stem diameter, plant weight, pod numbers per plant and grain numbers per plant, but not with 100 grain weight of soybeans. Pod numbers and grain numbers per plant were more closely correlated with seed yields than with other characters. Selection index : For the comparison and the use of selection indexes in the selection, two kinds of selection indexes were calculated, the former was called selection index A and the later selection index B as shown in Table 7. Selection index A was calculated by the values of grain weight per plant as the character of yield(character Y), but the other, selection index B, was calculated by the values of pod numbers per plant, instead of grain weight per plant, as the character of yield'(character Y'). These results suggest that selection index technique is useful in soybean breeding. In reality, however, as the selection index varies with population and environment, it must be calculated in each population to which selection is applied and in each environment in which the population is located. In spite of the expected usefulness of selection index technique in soybean breeding, unsolved problems such as the expense, time and labor involved in calculating the selection index remain. For these reasons and from these experimental studies, it was recognized that in the breeding of self-fertilized soybean plants the selection for yield should be based on a more simple selection index such as selection index B of these experiments rather than on the complex selection index such as selection index A. Furthermore, it was realized that the selection index for the selection should be calculated on the basis of the data of some 3-4 agronomic characters-maturity date(X), branch numbers per plant(X), stem diameter(X) and pod numbers per plant etc. It must be noted that it should be successful in selection to select for maturity date(X) which has high heritability, and the selection index should be calculated easily on the basis of the data of branch numbers per plant(X), stem diameter(X) and pod numbers per plant, directly after the harvest before drying and threshing. These characters should be very useful agronomic characters in the selection of Korean soybeans, determinate growing habit type, as they could be measured or counted easily thus saving time and expense in the duration from harvest to drying and threshing, and are affected more in soybean yields than the other agronomic characters.

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