본 연구는 생식생장기의 습해에 의한 콩 수량과 질소 및 여러 가지 양분흡수에 미치는 영향을 알고자 지하수위를 0 cm, 10 cm 및 40 cm로 달리하여 조사하였다. 지하수위가 높음에 따라 생육과 수량은 감소되었으며 다원콩의 감소정도가 풍산나물콩보다 더 크게 나타났다. 질소흡수량은 지하수위가 높을수록 감소되었으며 수량과의 상관관계는 R2=0.872 로 고도로 유의한 정의상관을 보였다. K함량은 지하수위 높이에 큰 차이를 보이지 않았으며(뿌리 제외), Ca함량은 감소(잎, 줄기) 또는 증가(뿌리)하였지만 Mn과 Fe 함량은 지하수위가 높을수록 급격히 증가하였으며 다원콩이 풍산나물콩보다 높은 함량을 보였다.
This study was conducted to response the growth, seed yield, nitrogen content and different cation content of two soybean, flooding-tolerant cv. Pungsannamulkong (PNSK) and flooding-sensitive cv. Tawonkong (TWK) when these were subjected to flooding stress at R1 stage for cultivation in paddy field. Flooding, underground water levels (UWL) of 0 cm, 10 cm and 40 cm, was experimented from flowering time to harvest time. The dry matter and seed yield of soybean with UWL of 0 or 10 cm declined in comparison with UWL of 40 cm and these were more reduction in TWK than in PNSK. The amount of nitrogen uptake decreased in higher UWL and there was a high significant relationship (R2=0.872) between nitrogen content and seed yield at flooding stress. K content of leaf and stem in soybean plants had a small change with UWL but Ca content had a decrease (leaf and stem) or increase (root). Mn and Fe content were increased at higher UWL and were more in TWK than in PNSK.