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출하체중이 재래흑돼지육의 관능적 기호도에 미치는 영향 KCI 등재

Effect of Market Weight on the Sensory Attributes in Korean Native Black Pork

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/203518
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 3,000원
동물자원연구 (Annals of Animal Resources Sciences)
강원대학교 동물자원공동연구소 (Institute of Animal Resources Kangwon National University)

This study was carried out to investigate the effect of market weight on the sensory attributes of Korean native black pork. The M. longissimus from Korean native black pigs (KNP) with market weight of 56 kg and 70 kg were utilized as experimental materials. The intramuscular fat content, a* (redness) and b* yellowness) values were higher in KNP with market weight of 70 kg than in KNP with market weight of 56 kg (p<0.05). In TPA, hardness, adhesiveness, guminess and chewiness were lower in KNP with market weight of 70 kg than in KNP with market weight of 56 kg (p<0.05). The marbling score, meat color and overall liking among sensory evaluation of raw pork and taste, texture and overall liking among sensory evaluation of cooked pork were higher in KNP with market weight of 70 kg than in KNP with market weight of 56 kg (p<0.05). Therefore, higher market weight of KNP increased the sensory attributes of pork.

ABSTRACT   Ⅰ. 서론   Ⅱ. 재료 및 방법    1. 실험재료    2. 실험방법   Ⅲ. 결과 및 고찰    1. 근내지방도, TPA 및 표면육색 비교    2. 신선육과 가열육의 관능검사 비교   Ⅳ. 적요   사사   Ⅴ. 인용문헌
  • 강선문(강원대학교 동물식품응용과학과) | Sun Moon Kang
  • 채병조(강원대학교 동물자원과학전공) | Byung Jo Chae
  • 강창기(강원대학교 동물식품응용과학과) | Chang-Gie Kang
  • 이성기(강원대학교 동물식품응용과학과) | Sung Ki Lee Corresponding Author