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칼슘이 코팅된 봉지 괘대가 '추황배' 과실의 칼슘함량, 과점 발달 및 과실품질에 미치는 영향 KCI 등재

Effects of Paper Bag Coated Calcium on the Calcium Concentration, Lenticel Development, and Quality in 'Chuhwangbae' Pear Fruits

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/252455
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
생물환경조절학회지 (Journal of Bio-Environment Control)
한국생물환경조절학회 (The Korean Society For Bio-Environment Control)

추황배'에서 칼슘이 코팅된 이중봉지를 이용하여 봉지 물성, 미기상, 과실로의 칼슘 축적 및 과실품질에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 칼슘처리봉지는 관행봉지와 비교하여 투광율, 인장강도, 온도 및 상대습도는 차이가 없었다. 그러나 칼슘처리 봉지의 과피내 칼슘 함량은 만개 후 65일 부터 160일 까지 관행 봉지보다 현저히 많았다. 그러나 과육에서는 160일에서만 증가되었다. 칼슘처리 농도별 과실내 칼슘함량은 과피에서는 황색이중봉지 12%, 신문이중봉지 9, 12%에서 높았고 과육에서는 황색이중봉지 3%, 신문이중봉지 6, 9, 12%에서 현저히 높았다. 방사성 등위원소를 이용한 과피 및 과실로의 칼슘 축적은 과피는 처리 후 60시간까지 증가였으나 과육 조직은 무처리 과피와 큰 차이는 없었다. 수확시 과실경도는 황색이중봉지는 농도 간 큰 차이는 없었으나, 칼슘 6, 12%처리 신문이중봉지에서 현저한 차이를 보였다. 가용성고형물은 칼슘 6, 9%처리 황색이중봉지와 3, 6, 9%처리 신문이중봉지에서 현저히 높았다. 그러나 봉지내 칼슘처리에 따른 과중 및 과피색 변화는 차이가 없었다.

In a pear fruit 'Chuhwangbae' was investigated the effect of the calcium-coated double paper bag on the physical properties of the paper bag, micro meteorological phenomena, and calcium contents in quality of fruit. The calcium-coated paper bag, compared with official paper bags, did not give any effect on light transmission ratio and tensile strength. The change of the inside relative humidity of the paper bag was a little compared with conventional paper bags, but there was no difference in temperature. The contents of the accumulated calcium of the pericarp was remarkably greater than conventional paper bags during the period of 65 days to 160 days after the full bloom, but the flesh remarkably increased at 160 days. The calcium content per concentration of calcium coating greatly increased in 12% of yellow double paper bags and 9, 12% of newspaper double paper bags in case of the pericarp, and in 3% of yellow double paper bags and 6, 9, 12% of newspaper double paper bags in case of the pericarp. As a result of treatment of a radioactive isotope, the amount of accumulated calcium in the pericarp continued until 60 hours after treatment, but there was no difference in the calcium amount between the flesh and no-treatment pericarp. As to the hardness of fruits at the time of harvest, there was no difference in the concentration in case of a yellow double bags. But newspaper double paper bags 6, 12% was significantly difference. Soluble solid remarkably increased in yellow double paper bags 6, 9% and yellow double paper bags 3, 6, 9%. Also, it did not effect on changes of the pericarp, fruit weight and the color of the pericarp.

  • 최진호 | Choi, Jin-Hoo
  • 최장전 | Choi, Jang-Jeon
  • 이중섭 | Lee, Jung-Sup
  • 문병우 | Moon, Byung-Woo
  • 최철 | Choi, Cheol
  • 남기웅 | Nam, Ki-Woong
  • 엄문일 | Um, Moon-Il