소나무잔나비버섯의 톱밥재배를 위한 가장 적정한 종균배양적 특성을 요약하면 적정온도는 30℃이며, 적정 pH가 소나무잔나비버섯균은 pH 5이다. 톱밥배지의 적정 수분함량은 60%이며, 주재료는 미송톱밥, 첨가재료는 맥주박이었다. 또한 적정 첨가재료인 맥주박의 첨가량은 20%, calcium carbonate의 첨가함량은 0.1%, sucrose의 첨가함량은 0.1%이었다. LVD의 첨가함량은 0.01%이었다.
This study was carried out to investigate the physiological charateristics of F. pinicola in sawdust media. The optimum temperature in sawdust media was 30℃ in of F. pinicola. The optimum pH was 5 in F. pinicola. Mycelial growth and density of F. pinicola was quite good when birch tree and oak sawdust, respectively were used as cultural substrates. The best mycelial growth in F. pinicola was observed when beer waste was added as supplement on sawdust substrates. The optimum supplement ratios of beer waste and a magnecium sulfate were 20%, and 0.1% respectively. However, optimun supplement ratios of a calcium oxide and a LVD were different as 0.1% in F. pinicola.