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MgB2 초전도 특성에 대한 나노 FexC 첨가 효과 KCI 등재

Effects of Nano FexC Addition on Superconducting Properties of MgB2

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/2850
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국분말야금학회지 (Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute)
한국분말재료학회(구 한국분말야금학회) (Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute)

The effects of nano addition to superconducting properties of processed superconductors was examined. 0.1 wt.% and 1 wt.% nano powders were mixed with boron and magnesium powders by ball milling. The powder mixtures were made into pellets by uniaxial pressing. The pellets were heat-treated at in argon atmosphere for formation. It was found by powder X-ray diffraction that the raw powders were completely converted into after the heat treatment. The superconducting transition temperature () and critical current density (), estimated from susceptibility-temperature and curves, were decreased by nano addition. The and decrease by nano addition are attributed to the incorporation of iron and carbon with lattices (Fe substitution for Mg and C substitution for B) due to the high reactivity of the nano powder.

  • 이동건 | Lee Dong-Gun
  • 이지현 | Lee Ji-Hyun
  • 전병혁 | Jun Byung-Hyuk
  • 박순동 | Park Soon-Dong
  • 엄영랑 | Uhm Young-Rang
  • 박해웅 | Park Hai-Woong
  • 김찬중 | Kim Chan-Joong