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흑목이 버섯 자실체의 흑갈색 색소 동정 및 특성 KCI 등재

Isolation and Characterization of Dark Brownish Pigments from Fruit Body of Auricularia auricula

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/285675
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
산업식품공학 (Food Engineering Progress)
한국산업식품공학회 (Korean Society for Food Engineering)

A dark brownish pigment from fruit body of Auricularia auricula was isolated and characterized in this report. The pigment was obtained with a yield of 0.61%(w/w) by alkaline extraction and subsequent purification steps. It showed the positive FeCl3 test which was the indication of phenolic compounds. A synthetic melanin showed a similar spectrometric characteristics to the pigment extract regarding a characteristic UV absorption between 200-250 nm and infrared absorptions profiles in the finger print region including absorption peaks at 1701 and 1624 cm-1. Its element analysis indicated that its atomic copmposition is close to that of DOPA melanin (eumelanin). With the result of its antioxidant activity in the TNBT (5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid) assay, we concluded that the dark brownish pigment from A. auricula is a melanin-like compound having a powerful antioxidative activity.

  • 김현민(강원대학교 생물공학과) | Hyeon-Min Kim
  • 허원(강원대학교 생물공학과) | Won Hur
  • 이신영(강원대학교 생물공학과) | Shin-Young Lee Corresponding author