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Characteristics of Spatial Distribution of Bemisia tabaci in Tomato Greenhouses, Jeju

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/289023
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한국응용곤충학회 (Korean Society Of Applied Entomology)

Sweet potato whitefly (SPW), Bemisia tabaci, is the most serious pest of greenhouse tomato as a vector of tomato yellow leaf curl virus since 2008 in Jeju. This study was conducted for within-plant distribution of SPW nymphs on leaves and the characteristic of spatial distribution of SPW adults using by yellow-color sticky trap in greenhouse-grown tomato plants. The nymphs of SPW were mainly distributed on leaves of mid-lower stratum in three stratum of tomato plant. They were also more distributed on three to four leaflets from basal part in a leaf. Ten plots and three plants per plot were appropriated to estimate of mean density of SPW nymph using by visual inspection in a tomato greenhouse. The more SPW adults were caught on horizontally placed sticky trap above 50~80 cm than vertically placed sticky trap above tomato canopy. The horizontal direction trap should be placed in opened site. SPW adults were shown the aggregated distribution pattern using by Taylor’s power law (TPL) and Iwao’s patchiness regression (IPR) model which are commonly used for spatial distribution pattern analysis. TPL was showed better description than IPR for spatial distribution pattern of SPW adults. The required number of trap tended to decrease according to increase the mean density of SPW adult

  • Jeong Heub Song(Division of Sustainable Agriculture Research, Jeju Agricultural Research & Extension Services)
  • Soon Yeong Hong(Division of Sustainable Agriculture Research, Jeju Agricultural Research & Extension Services)
  • Shin Chan Lee(Division of Sustainable Agriculture Research, Jeju Agricultural Research & Extension Services)
  • Seong Keun Kang(Division of Sustainable Agriculture Research, Jeju Agricultural Research & Extension Services)